=============================== Security and Internet Functions =============================== This chapter contains the security and internet functions provided by the Ring programming language for Hashing, Encryption & Decryption. * MD5() * SHA1() * SHA256() * SHA512() * SHA384() * SHA224() * Encrypt() * Decrypt() * Randbytes() * Download() * SendEmail() MD5() Function ============== We can calculate the MD5 hash using the MD5() Function Syntax: .. code-block:: none MD5(cString) ---> String contains the MD5 hash of the string cString Example: .. code-block:: none see "md5('happy') = " + md5("happy") + nl + "md5('Hello') = " + md5("Hello") + nl Output: .. code-block:: none md5('happy') = 56ab24c15b72a457069c5ea42fcfc640 md5('Hello') = 8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7 SHA1() Function =============== We can calculate the SHA1 hash using the SHA1() Function Syntax: .. code-block:: none SHA1(cString) ---> String contains the SHA1 hash of the string cString Example: .. code-block:: none see "sha1('hello') : " + sha1("hello") + nl + "sha1('apple') : " + sha1("apple") + nl Output: .. code-block:: none sha1('hello') : aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d sha1('apple') : d0be2dc421be4fcd0172e5afceea3970e2f3d940 SHA256() Function ================= We can calculate the SHA256 hash using the SHA256() Function Syntax: .. code-block:: none SHA256(cString) ---> String contains the SHA256 hash of the string cString Example: .. code-block:: none see "sha256('hello') : " + sha256("hello") + nl + "sha256('apple') : " + sha256("apple") + nl Output: .. code-block:: none sha256('hello') : 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 sha256('apple') : 3a7bd3e2360a3d29eea436fcfb7e44c735d117c42d1c1835420b6b9942dd4f1b SHA512() Function ================= We can calculate the SHA512 hash using the SHA512() Function Syntax: .. code-block:: none SHA512(cString) ---> String contains the SHA512 hash of the string cString Example: .. code-block:: none see "sha512('hello') : " + sha512("hello") + nl + "sha512('apple') : " + sha512("apple") + nl + "sha512('hello world') : " + sha512("hello world") + nl Output: .. code-block:: none sha512('hello') : 9b71d224bd62f3785d96d46ad3ea3d73319bfbc2890caadae2dff72519673c a72323c3d99ba5c11d7c7acc6e14b8c5da0c4663475c2e5c3adef46f73bcdec043 sha512('apple') : 844d8779103b94c18f4aa4cc0c3b4474058580a991fba85d3ca698a0bc9e52 c5940feb7a65a3a290e17e6b23ee943ecc4f73e7490327245b4fe5d5efb590feb2 sha512('hello world') : 309ecc489c12d6eb4cc40f50c902f2b4d0ed77ee511a7c7a9bcd3ca8 6d4cd86f989dd35bc5ff499670da34255b45b0cfd830e81f605dcf7dc5542e93ae9cd76f SHA384() Function ================= We can calculate the SHA384 hash using the SHA384() Function Syntax: .. code-block:: none SHA384(cString) ---> String contains the SHA384 hash of the string cString Example: .. code-block:: none see "sha384('hello') : " + sha384("hello") + nl + "sha384('apple') : " + sha384("apple") + nl + "sha384('hello world') : " + sha384("hello world") + nl Output: .. code-block:: none sha384('hello') : 59e1748777448c69de6b800d7a33bbfb9ff1b463e44354c3553bcdb9c666fa 90125a3c79f90397bdf5f6a13de828684f sha384('apple') : 3d8786fcb588c93348756c6429717dc6c374a14f7029362281a3b21dc10250 ddf0d0578052749822eb08bc0dc1e68b0f sha384('hello world') : fdbd8e75a67f29f701a4e040385e2e23986303ea10239211af907fcb b83578b3e417cb71ce646efd0819dd8c088de1bd SHA224() Function ================= We can calculate the SHA224 hash using the SHA224() Function Syntax: .. code-block:: none SHA224(cString) ---> String contains the SHA224 hash of the string cString Example: .. code-block:: none see "sha224('hello') : " + sha224("hello") + nl + "sha224('apple') : " + sha224("apple") + nl + "sha224('hello world') : " + sha224("hello world") + nl Output: .. code-block:: none sha224('hello') : ea09ae9cc6768c50fcee903ed054556e5bfc8347907f12598aa24193 sha224('apple') : b7bbfdf1a1012999b3c466fdeb906a629caa5e3e022428d1eb702281 sha224('hello world') : 2f05477fc24bb4faefd86517156dafdecec45b8ad3cf2522a563582b Encrypt() Function ================== We can use the Encrypt() function to encrypts the data using the Blowfish algorithm. Syntax: .. code-block:: none Encrypt(cString, cKey, cIV) ---> Encrypted string Decrypt() Function ================== We can use the Decrypt() function to decrypt the data encrypted using the Encrypt() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: none Decrypt(cCipher, cKey, cIV) ---> Decrypted string Encryption and Decryption Example ================================= The next example demonstrates how to use the Encrypt() and Decrypt() functions. These functions use the Blowfish algorithm. .. code-block:: none See "Enter a string : " give cStr list = 0:15 cKey="" for x in list cKey += char(x) next list = 1:8 cIV = "" for x in list cIV += char(x) next cStr = Encrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV) See "Cipher Text : " + cStr + nl + "Plain Text : " + Decrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV) + nl File Hash ========= The next example demonstrates how to calculate the hash functions for files .. code-block:: none cStr = read("myapp.exe") see "Size : " + len(cStr) + nl + "md5 : " + md5(cStr) + nl + "sha1 : " + sha1(cStr) + nl + "sha256 : " + sha256(cStr) + nl + "sha224 : " + sha224(cStr) + nl + "sha384 : " + sha384(cStr) + nl + "sha512 : " + sha512(cStr) + nl Output: .. code-block:: none Size : 58079876 md5 : 762eee15d8d2fd73b71ea52538b28667 sha1 : 9212c0c7258bad89a62bd239e1358a9276a9d070 sha256 : 7d6724e69b6c553da749ba31b6185dddc965129b64d9e9bf3de88f67df3b1cdc sha224 : 5a9c8a7d662bce4f880ba94f90a79362b672528b9efd5abc718c7a3d sha384 : 18e23f973abedbeb3981c423f12aeadecf96f9c6fb28aeabe3be4c484f8540afcc3861b b370ce2b59cf3c99c130b856b sha512 : da3d5e997d06f8b2a7a9964b77f7d82eedb76b245c611082c1639f83f51d83880bcd08f cd53dcab1167bdca0b82fec5071971ac17c76479d76985ced4ab0d18e Randbytes() Function ==================== We can generate a string of pseudo-random bytes using the Randbytes() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: none Randbytes(nSize) ---> String contains random bytes (bytes count = nSize) Example: .. code-block:: none salt = randbytes(32) password = "SecretPassWord@$%123" see salt + nl see sha256("test" + salt) + nl Download() Function =================== Syntax: .. code-block:: none Download(cURL) ---> String contains the server response Example: .. code-block:: none cStr= download("http://doublesvsoop.sourceforge.net/") see cStr write("download.txt",cStr) SendEmail() Function ==================== Syntax: .. code-block:: none SendEmail(cSMTPServer,cEmail,cPassword,cSender,cReceiver,cCC,cTitle,cContent) Example: .. code-block:: none See "Send email..." + nl sendemail("smtp://smtp.gmail.com:587", "email@gmail.com", "password", "email@gmail.com", "somebody@yahoo.com", "somebodyelse@yahoo.com", "Sending email from Ring", "Hello How are you? Are you fine? Thank you! Greetings, Mahmoud") see "Done.." + nl