.. index:: single: Getting Started - Third Style; Introduction ============================== Getting Started - Third Style ============================== .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; Hello World Hello World =========== The next program prints the Hello World message on the screen (std-out). .. code-block:: ring load "stdlib.ring" print("Hello World") .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; Run the program Run the program =============== to run the program, save the code in a file, for example : hello.ring then from the command line or terminal, run it using the ring interpreter .. code-block:: ring ring hello.ring .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; Not Case-Sensitive Not Case-Sensitive ================== Since the Ring language is not case-sensitive, the same program can be written in different styles .. tip:: It's better to select one style and use it in all of the program source code .. code-block:: ring LOAD "stdlib.ring" PRINT("Hello World") .. code-block:: ring Load "stdlib.ring" Print("Hello World") .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; Multi-Line literals Multi-Line literals =================== Using Ring we can write multi-line literal, see the next example .. code-block:: ring Load "stdlib.ring" Print(" Hello Welcome to the Ring programming language How are you? ") Also you can use the \\n to insert new line and you can use #{variable_name} to insert variables values. .. code-block:: ring Load "stdlib.ring" Print( "Hello\nWelcome to the Ring programming language\nHow are you?") .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; Getting Input Getting Input ============= You can get the input from the user using the getstring() function .. code-block:: ring Load "stdlib.ring" Print("What is your name? ") cName = GetString() Print("Hello #{cName}") .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; No Explicit End For Statements No Explicit End For Statements ============================== You don't need to use ';' or press ENTER to separate statements. The previous program can be written in one line. .. code-block:: ring Load "stdlib.ring" Print("What is your name? ") cName=getstring() print("Hello #{cName}") .. index:: pair: Getting Started - Third Style; Writing Comments Writing Comments ================ We can write one line comments and multi-line comments The comment starts with # or // Multi-lines comments are written between /* and */ .. code-block:: ring /* Program Name : My first program using Ring Date : 2016.09.09 Author : Mahmoud Fayed */ Load "stdlib.ring" Print("What is your name? ") # print message on screen cName=GetString() # get input from the user print("Hello #{cName}") # say hello! // print("Bye!") .. note:: Using // to comment a lines of code is just a code style.