.. index:: single: Syntax Flexibility; Introduction ================== Syntax Flexibility ================== In this chapter we will learn about some options that are provided automatically by the Ring compiler for syntax flexibility. .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Change Language Keywords Change Language Keywords ======================== We can change any keyword using the ChangeRingKeyword command. .. note:: Remember to restore the keyword again if the team will mix between styles in the same project. .. tip:: The ChangeRingKeyword command is executed in the scanner stage by the compiler (before parsing). Syntax: .. code-block:: ring ChangeRingKeyword Example: .. code-block:: ring ChangeRingKeyword see print print "welcome" + nl ChangeRingKeyword print see see "Welcome" + nl Example: .. code-block:: ring ChangeRingKeyword func function ChangeRingKeyword see print ChangeRingKeyword ok endif ChangeRingKeyword next endfor ChangeRingKeyword end endwhile x = 10 while x > 0 print "x = " + x + nl for t = 1 to 10 if t = 3 print "number three" + nl endif endfor x-- endwhile test() function test print "message from test" + nl ChangeRingKeyword function func ChangeRingKeyword print see ChangeRingKeyword endif ok ChangeRingKeyword endfor next ChangeRingKeyword endwhile end .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Change Language Operators Change Language Operators ========================= We can change any operator using the ChangeRingOperator command. .. note:: Remember to restore the operator again if the team will mix between styles in the same project. .. tip:: The ChangeRingOperartor command is executed in the scanner stage by the compiler (before parsing). Syntax: .. code-block:: ring ChangeRingOperator Example: The next program hide the + operator by changing it to _+ .. code-block:: ring changeringoperator + _+ changeringkeyword SEE PRINT try print 5 + 10 catch print nl print "error" print nl done changeringoperator _+ + The next program change the + operator to "plus". .. code-block:: ring changeringoperator + plus changeringkeyword SEE PRINT Print 5 plus 5 changeringoperator plus + changeringkeyword PRINT SEE .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using "()" around the function parameters .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Load Syntax Files Load Syntax Files ================= You may store a group of ChangeRingKeyword and ChangeRingOperator commands in a file to use later in many source files. You can't use the Load command to call these files because * ChangeRingKeyword and ChangeRingOperator commands are executed in the scanner phase by the compiler (before parsing). * The load command is executed in the parsing phase (after the scanner phase). Solution: Use the LoadSyntax Command which is executed in the scanner phase. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring LoadSyntax "syntaxfile.ring" Example: File : StyleBasicOn.ring .. code-block:: ring ChangeRingKeyword see print ChangeRingKeyword ok endif ChangeRingKeyword next endfor ChangeRingKeyword end endwhile File : StyleBasicOff.ring .. code-block:: ring ChangeRingKeyword print see ChangeRingKeyword endif ok ChangeRingKeyword endfor next ChangeRingKeyword endwhile end File : UseStyleBasic.ring .. code-block:: ring LoadSyntax "stylebasicon.ring" x = 10 while x > 0 print "x = " + x + nl for t = 1 to 10 if t = 3 print "number three" + nl endif endfor x-- endwhile LoadSyntax "stylebasicoff.ring" see "done" + nl .. note:: files called by the LoadSyntax command must contains ChangeRingKeyword and ChangeRingOperator commands only. .. tip:: files called by the LoadSyntax command doesn't support functions, packages and classes. just imperative commands only. .. note:: Using this feature you can create many styles that you can use in the same project and you can support Ring translation to other languages like Arabic, French and so on. Using "()" around the function parameters ========================================= We can use () around the function parameters (optional). Example: .. code-block:: ring hello() sum(3,4) func hello() see "Hello" + nl func sum(x,y) see x+y+nl Output: .. code-block:: ring Hello 7 Example: .. code-block:: ring myfunc = func x,y { see x + y + nl } call myfunc (3,4) myfunc2 = func (x,y) { see x+y+nl } call myfunc(3,4) Output: .. code-block:: ring 7 7 .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using Semi-colon after and between statements Using Semi-colon after and between statements ============================================= In Ring we can use semi-colon after and between statements (optional). Example: .. code-block:: ring # Using semi-colon is optional see "Hello" + nl ; see "How are you?" + nl ; see "Welcome to Ring" + nl ; one() ; two() ; three() ; func one ; see "one" + nl ; func two ; see "two" + nl ; func three ; see "three" + nl ; Output: .. code-block:: ring Hello How are you? Welcome to Ring one two three .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using $ and @ in the start of the variable name Using $ and @ in the start of the variable name =============================================== You can use any unicode character in the variable name also we can use $ and @ in the name. This feature may help, for example we can start global variables with $ and the object attributes with @. In other languages like Ruby this is the rule, In the Ring language this is just an option without any force from the Compiler. example: .. code-block:: ring $global_variable = 5 new test { hello() } class test @instance_variable = 10 func hello local_variable = 15 see "Global : " + $global_variable + nl + "Instance : " + @instance_variable + nl + "Local : " + local_variable + nl Output: .. code-block:: ring Global : 5 Instance : 10 Local : 15 .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using the 'elseif' keyword as 'but' in if statement Using the 'elseif' keyword as 'but' in if statement =================================================== if you don't like the 'but' keyword in if statement Then you can use the 'elseif' keyword. Example: .. code-block:: ring give x if x = 1 see "one" elseif x=2 see "two" elseif x=3 see "three" elseif x=4 see "four" else see "other" ok see nl .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using the 'else' keyword as 'other' in switch statement Using the 'else' keyword as 'other' in switch statement ======================================================= if you don't like the 'other' keyword in switch statement Then you can use the 'else' keyword. Also you can replace 'else' with 'other' in if statement. i.e. 'other' keyword is the same as 'else' keyword. Example: .. code-block:: ring x = 1 switch x on 10 see "10" + nl else see "not 10" + nl end Output: .. code-block:: ring not 10 .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using the 'end' keyword in different control structures Using the 'end' keyword in different control structures ======================================================= We can use the 'end' keyword to close different control structures * If statement * For loop * Switch * While * Try-Catch Example: .. code-block:: ring see "if statement.." + nl x = 1 if x = 1 see "one" + nl elseif x=2 see "two" + nl elseif x=3 see "three" + nl end see "for loop.." + nl for t = 1 to 10 see t end see nl see "switch..." + nl x = 1 switch x on 1 see "one" + nl on 2 see "two" + nl end see "try catch..." + nl try x = 1 / 0 catch see "catching error" + nl end Output: .. code-block:: ring if statement.. one for loop.. 12345678910 switch... one try catch... catching error .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using braces to start and end different control structures Using braces to start and end different control structures ========================================================== We can use braces { } to start and end different control structures * If statement * For loop * Switch * While * Try-Catch Example: .. code-block:: ring see "if statement.." + nl x = 1 if x = 1 { see "one" + nl elseif x=2 see "two" + nl elseif x=3 see "three" + nl } see "for loop.." + nl for t = 1 to 10 { see t } see nl see "switch..." + nl x = 1 switch x { on 1 see "one" + nl on 2 see "two" + nl } see "try catch..." + nl try { x = 1 / 0 catch see "catching error" + nl } Output: .. code-block:: ring if statement.. one for loop.. 12345678910 switch... one try catch... catching error .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using 'put' and 'get' as 'see' and 'give' Using 'put' and 'get' as 'see' and 'give' ========================================= We can replace the 'see' keyword with the 'put' keyword. Also we can replacew the 'give' keyword with the 'get' keyword. Example: .. code-block:: ring put "Hello World" + nl put "Enter Your Name ? " Get Name Put "Hello " + Name .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using 'case' as 'on' in switch statements Using 'case' as 'on' in switch statements ========================================= We can replace the 'on' keyword with 'case' keyword in the switch statement. Example (1) : .. code-block:: ring for x=1 to 10 switch x case 1 put "one" + nl case 2 put "two" + nl case 3 put "thre" + nl else put "else" + nl end end Example (2) : .. code-block:: ring for x=1 to 10 { switch x { case 1 put "one" + nl case 2 put "two" + nl case 3 put "thre" + nl else put "else" + nl } } .. index:: pair: Syntax Flexibility; Using 'def' as 'func' in functions/methods definition Using 'def' as 'func' in functions/methods definition ===================================================== We can use the 'def' keyword as the 'func' keyword to define functions and methods. Example: .. code-block:: ring one() two() def one put "one" + nl def two put "two" + nl