Objects Library for RingQt Application

In this chapter we will learn about the objects library for RingQt applications.

Ring 1.2 comes with the Objects library for RingQt applications. Instead of using global variables for windows objects and connecting events to objects using the object name, the Objects Library will manage the GUI objects and will provide a more natural API to quickly create one or many windows from the same class and the library provide a way to quickly set methods to be executed when an event is fired. Also the library provide a natural interface to quickly use the parent or the caller windows from the child or sub windows.

The Objects Library is designed to be used with the MVC Design Pattern.

The Objects Library is merged in RingQt so you can use it directly when you use RingQt

Library Usage

  • Use the Open_Window(cWindowControllerClassName) function to open new Windows
  • Create at least Two Classes for each window, The Controller Class and the View Class
  • Create each controller class from the WindowsControllerParent Class
  • Create each view class from the WindowsViewParent Class
  • Use the Last_Window() function to get the object of the last window created (The Controller object).
  • When you call a sub window, use the SetParentObject() method and pass the self object.
  • In the View Class, To determine the event method use the Method(cMethodName) function.
  • The Method(cMethodName) function determine the method in the controller class that will be executed.
  • Each controller class contains by default the CloseAction() method that you can call to close the window.
  • You don’t need to call the Show() Method for each window, When you use Open_Window() It will be called.
  • In the view class, Define the GUI window object as an attribute called win.


In the next example we will create two types of windows.

  • Main Window contains a button. When the user click on the button a sub window will be opened.
  • The User Can click on the button many times to open many sub windows.
  • Each Sub Window contains Two buttons.
  • The first button in the sub window change the Main and the Sub Windows Titles.
  • The second button in the sub window close the Sub Window.
load "guilib.ring"

new qApp {
        open_window( :MainWindowController )

class MainWindowController from WindowsControllerParent
        oView = new MainWindowView
        func SubWindowAction
                Open_window( :SubWindowController )

class MainWindowView from WindowsViewParent
        win = new qWidget() {
                SetWindowTitle("Main Window")
                btnSub = new qPushButton(win) {
                        setText("Sub Window")
                        setClickEvent( Method( :SubWindowAction ) )

class SubWindowController from WindowsControllerParent
        oView = new SubWindowView
        func SetMainWindowTitleAction
                Parent().oView.win.SetWindowTitle("Message from the Sub Window")
                oView.win.SetWindowTitle("Click Event Done!")

class SubWindowView from WindowsViewParent
        win = new qWidget() {
                SetWindowTitle("Sub Window")
                btnMsg = new qPushButton(win) {
                        setText("Set Main Window Title")
                        setClickEvent( Method( :SetMainWindowTitleAction ) )
                btnClose = new qPushButton(win) {
                        setClickEvent( Method( :CloseAction ) )

The next screen shot after creating three sub windows.

Objects Library Example - Shot 1

The next screen shot after clicking on the button in each sub window.

Objects Library Example - Shot 2

Objects Library Source Code

The library source code is very simple, You can check the source code files

# List of objects (Windows/Forms)
        $RingQt_ObjectsList = []        # Contains sub lists [object ID , Object]

# The Object ID Counter
        $RingQt_ObjectID = 0

# Variable used for Windows/Forms object name - used for setting events
        $RingQt_ObjName = ""

# The next constants for the Objects List
        C_RINGQT_OBJECTSLIST_ID                 = 1

        The next function create new object, add the object to the $RingQt_ObjectsList
        Then set $RingQt_ObjName to the object in the $RingQt_ObjectsList
        Then call the start() method

func Open_Window cClass
        $RingQt_ObjectsList + [$RingQt_ObjectID,""]
        $RingQt_ObjName = "$RingQt_ObjectsList[Get_Window_Pos("+$RingQt_ObjectID+")]" +
        cCode = $RingQt_ObjName + " = new " + cClass + nl +
                  $RingQt_ObjName + ".start()"

        The next function return the last window created

func Last_Window
        return $RingQt_ObjectsList[len($RingQt_ObjectsList)][C_RINGQT_OBJECTSLIST_OBJECT]

        The next function for using in GUI controls events

func Method cMethod
        cMethod = Trim(cMethod)
        if right(cMethod,1) != ")" {
                cMethod += "()"
        return $RingQt_objname+"."+cMethod

        The next function get the Window ID
        Then search in the Objects List to find the Window Item Position

func Get_Window_Pos nID
        return find($RingQt_ObjectsList,nID,C_RINGQT_OBJECTSLIST_ID)

        The next class is the parent class for Windows/Forms Classes
        When you create a new class, just use from WindowsBase
        When you close the window just use Super.Close()

class WindowsControllerBase

        nID = $RingQt_ObjectID

        func Close
                nPos = Get_Window_Pos(nID)

        func ObjectID
                return nID

        func GetObjectByID nID
                return $RingQt_ObjectsList[nID][C_RINGQT_OBJECTSLIST_OBJECT]

class WindowsControllerParent from WindowsControllerBase

        nParentID               # Goal Designer Object ID

        func Start

        func setParentObject oParent
                nParentID = oParent.ObjectID()

        func Parent
                return GetObjectByID(nParentID)

        func CloseAction

class WindowsViewParent
        func Close