Getting Started - First Style

Hello World

The next program prints the Hello World message on the screen (std-out).

see "Hello World"

Run the program

to run the program, save the code in a file, for example : hello.ring then from the command line or terminal, run it using the ring interpreter

ring hello.ring

Not Case-Sensitive

Since the Ring language is not case-sensitive, the same program can be written in different styles


It’s better to select one style and use it in all of the program source code

SEE "Hello World"
See "Hello World"

Multi-Line literals

Using Ring we can write multi-line literal, see the next example

See "
        Welcome to the Ring programming language
        How are you?


Also you can use the nl constant to insert new line and you can use the + operator to concatenate strings


nl value means a new line and the actual codes that represent a newline is different between operating systems

See "Hello" + nl + "Welcome to the Ring programming language" +
    nl + "How are you?"

Getting Input

You can get the input from the user using the give command

See "What is your name? "
Give cName
See "Hello " + cName

No Explicit End For Statements

You don’t need to use ‘;’ or press ENTER to separate statements. The previous program can be written in one line.

See "What is your name? " give cName see "Hello " + cName

Writing Comments

We can write one line comments and multi-line comments

The comment starts with # or //

Multi-lines comments are written between /* and */

        Program Name : My first program using Ring
        Date         : 2016.09.09
        Author       : Mahmoud Fayed

See "What is your name? "       # print message on screen
give cName                      # get input from the user
see "Hello " + cName            # say hello!

// See "Bye!"


Using // to comment a lines of code is just a code style.