.. index:: single: Files; Introduction ===== Files ===== In this chapter we are going to learn about files functions. * Read() * Write() * Dir() * Rename() * Remove() * fopen() * fclose() * fflush() * freopen() * tempfile() * tempname() * fseek() * ftell() * rewind() * fgetpos() * fsetpos() * clearerr() * feof() * ferror() * perror() * fgetc() * fgets() * fputc() * fputs() * ungetc() * fread() * fwrite() * fexists() * Numbers and Bytes .. index:: pair: Files; Read File using Read() Read() Function =============== We can read the file content using the Read() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Read(cFileName) ---> String contains the file content Example: .. code-block:: ring see read("myfile.txt") The read function can read binary files too Example: .. code-block:: ring see read("myapp.exe") .. index:: pair: Files; Write file using Write() Write() Function ================ We can write string to file using the Write() function The write function can write binary data to binary files. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Write(cFileName,cString) # write string cString to file cFileName Example: .. code-block:: ring # copy file cFile = read("ring.exe") write("ring2.exe",cFile) .. index:: pair: Files; Dir() Dir() Function ============== We can get the folder contents (files & sub folders) using the Dir() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Dir(cFolderPath) ---> List contains files & sub folders. This function returns a list and each list item is a list of two items * File/sub folder name * Type (0 = File , 1 = Folder/Directory) Example: .. code-block:: ring see "Testing DIR() " + nl mylist = dir("C:\myfolder") for x in mylist if x[2] see "Directory : " + x[1] + nl else see "File : " + x[1] + nl ok next see "Files count : " + len(mylist) .. index:: pair: Files; Rename() Rename() Function ================= We can rename files using the Rename() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Rename(cOldFileName,cNewFileName) Example: .. code-block:: ring rename("file.txt","help.txt") .. index:: pair: Files; Remove() Remove() Function ================= We can delete a file using the Remove() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Remove(cFileName) Example: .. code-block:: ring remove("test.txt") .. index:: pair: Files; Fopen() Fopen() Function ================ We can open a file using the Fopen() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fopen(cFileName,cMode) ---> File Handle ===== ========================================== Mode Description ===== ========================================== "r" Reading (The file must exist) "w" Writing (create empty file / overwrite) "a" Appends (create file if it doesn't exist) "r+" update (reading/writing) "w+" Create empty file (reading/writing) "a+" reading & appending ===== ========================================== .. index:: pair: Files; Fclose() Fclose() Function ================= When we open a file using fopen() function, we can close it using the Fclose() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fclose(file handle) .. index:: pair: Files; Fflush() Fflush() Function ================= We can flushes the output buffer of a stream using the Fflush() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fflush(file handle) .. index:: pair: Files; Freopen() Freopen() Function ================== We can open another file using the same file handle and at the same file close the old file Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Freopen(cFileName,cMode,file handle) ---> file handle Example: .. code-block:: ring freopen("myprogoutput.txt","w+",stdout) see "welcome" + nl for x = 1 to 10 see x + nl next /* ** Read : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Device_file#Device_files ** The next code is not portable, we can use iswindows() before ** using it and we can write special code for each operating system. */ freopen("CON","w",stdout) # For Microsoft Windows see "Done" + nl # print to stdout again Output: .. code-block:: ring # Output to stdout Done # Output to file : myprogoutput.txt welcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. index:: pair: Files; Tempfile() Tempfile() Function =================== The function Tempfile() creates a temp. file (binary). The file will be deleted automatically when the stream is closed Syntax: .. code-block:: ring TempFile() ---> file handle .. index:: pair: Files; Tempname() Tempname() Function =================== We can generate temp. file name using the Tempname() function The generated name will be different from the name of any existing file Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Tempname() ---> generated file name as string .. index:: pair: Files; Fseek() Fseek() Function ================ We can set the file position of the stream using the Fseek() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fseek(file handle, nOffset, nWhence) ---> zero if successful The next table presents the nWhence values ===== =============================== Value Description ===== =============================== 0 Beginning of file 1 Current position 2 End of file ===== =============================== .. index:: pair: Files; Ftell() Ftell() Function ================ We can know the current file position of a stream using the Ftell() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Ftell(file handle) ---> file position as number .. index:: pair: Files; Rewind() Rewind() Function ================= We can set the file position to the beginning of the file using the Rewind() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Rewind(file handle) .. index:: pair: Files; Fgetpos() Fgetpos() Function ================== We can get handle to the current file position using the Fgetpos() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fgetpos(file handle) ---> position handle .. index:: pair: Files; Fsetpos() Fsetpos() Function ================== We can set the current file position using the Fgetpos() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fsetpos(file handle,position handle) .. index:: pair: Files; Clearerr() Clearerr() Function =================== We can clear the EOF error and the error indicators of a stream using the clearerr() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Clearerr(file handle) .. index:: pair: Files; Feof() Feof() Function =============== We can test the end-of-file indicator using the Feof() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Feof(file handle) ---> returns 1 if EOF and 0 if not .. index:: pair: Files; Ferror() Ferror() Function ================= We can test the error indicator of a given stream using the Ferror() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Ferror(file handle) ---> returns 1 if error and 0 if not .. index:: pair: Files; Perror() Perror() Function ================= We can print error message to the stderr using the Perror() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Perror(cErrorMessage) .. index:: pair: Files; Fgetc() Fgetc() Function ================ We can get the next character from the stream using the Fgetc() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fgetc(file handle) ---> returns character or EOF .. index:: pair: Files; Fgets() Fgets() Function ================ We can read new line from the stream using the Fgets() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fgets(file handle,nSize) ---> string The function stop when nSize characters are read, new line character is read or EOF. .. index:: pair: Files; Fputc() Fputc() Function ================ We can write a character to the stream using the Fputc() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fputc(file handle,cChar) .. index:: pair: Files; Fputs() Fputs() Function ================ We can write a string to the stream using the Fputs() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fputs(file handle,cString) .. index:: pair: Files; Ungetc() Ungetc() Function ================= We can push a character to the stream using the Ungetc() function The character will be available for the next read Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Ungetc(file handle,character) .. index:: pair: Files; Fread() Fread() Function ================ We can read data from a stream using the Fread() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fread(file handle,nSize) .. index:: pair: Files; Fwrite() Fwrite() Function ================= We can write data to a stream using the Fwrite() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fwrite(file handle,cString) .. index:: pair: Files; Fexists() Fexists() Function ================== We can check if a file exists using the Fexists() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Fexists(cFileName) ---> returns 1 if the file exists Example: .. code-block:: ring see fexists("b:\mahmoud\apps\ring\ring.exe") + nl + fexists("b:\mahmoud\apps\ring\ring2.exe") + nl Output: .. code-block:: ring 1 0 .. index:: pair: Files; Example Example ======= The next program test some of the file functions .. code-block:: ring See "testing file functions" + nl See "open file" + nl fp = fopen(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/s65.ring","r") See "reopen" + nl fp = freopen(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/s78.ring","r",fp) See "close file" + nl fclose(fp) see "temp file" + nl fp = tempfile() fclose(fp) see "temp name" + nl see tempname() + nl remove(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/mytest2.txt") write(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/tests1.txt","hello") rename(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/test1.txt",exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/mytests2.txt") see "print file" + nl fp = fopen(exefolder() + "../samples/fromdoc/filefuncs.ring","r") r = fgetc(fp) while isstring(r) see r r = fgetc(fp) end fclose(fp) see nl+"print line from the file" + nl fp = fopen(exefolder() + "../samples/fromdoc/filefuncs.ring","r") r = fgets(fp,33) see r + nl fclose(fp) fp = fopen(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/test78.txt","w+") fseek(fp,0,2) # goto end of file fputc(fp,"t") fputc(fp,"e") fputc(fp,"s") fputc(fp,"t") fputs(fp,"tests2") fclose(fp) see "print file" + nl see read(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/test78.txt") fp = fopen(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/test78.txt","r") see "testing ungetc() " + nl for x = 1 to 3 r = fgetc(fp) see r + nl ungetc(fp,r) next fclose(fp) see "testing fread() " + nl fp = fopen(exefilename(),"rb") r = fread(fp,100) see r + nl fclose(fp) see "testing fwrite() " + nl fp = fopen(exefolder() + "../tests/scripts/test1.txt","wb") fwrite(fp,r) fclose(fp) The next example print part of the content of a binary file .. code-block:: ring see "Testing: fread()" +" FileName: "+ exefilename() +nl +nl fp = fopen(exefilename(),"rb") r = fread(fp,800) for n =1 to len(r) if isprint(substr(r, n, 1)) see substr(r, n, 1) else see "." ok ### 80 char per line if n % 80 = 0 see nl ok next fclose(fp) .. index:: pair: Files; Numbers and Bytes Numbers and Bytes ================= The next functions to convert between Numbers and Bytes. * Int2Bytes() * Float2Bytes() * Double2Bytes() * Bytes2Int() * Bytes2Float() * Bytes2Double() Example: .. code-block:: ring see "Test Int2Bytes() and Bytes2Int() - Value : 77" + nl r = Int2Bytes(77) see "Int Size : " + len(r) + nl see r + nl see Bytes2Int(r) + nl see "Test Float2Bytes() and Bytes2Float() - Value 77.12" + nl r = Float2Bytes(77.12) see "Float Size : " + len(r) + nl see r + nl see Bytes2Float(r) + nl see "Test Double2Bytes() and Bytes2Double() - Value 9999977.12345" + nl r = Double2Bytes(9999977.12345) see "Double Size : " + len(r) + nl see r + nl decimals(5) see Bytes2Double(r) + nl