.. index:: Single: Desktop and Mobile Development; Introduction =========================================== Desktop and Mobile development using RingQt =========================================== In this chapter we will learn how to use the Qt framework classes in our Ring applications to create Desktop and Mobile Applications. .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; The First GUI Application The First GUI Application ========================= In this example we will create an application to ask the user about his/her name. When the user type the name in the textbox then click on "Say Hello" button, the textbox value will be updated by adding "Hello " to the name. .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Hello World") setGeometry(100,100,370,250) label1 = new qLabel(win1) { settext("What is your name ?") setGeometry(10,20,350,30) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("Say Hello") setclickevent("pHello()") } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(150,200,100,30) settext("Close") setclickevent("pClose()") } lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) { setGeometry(10,100,350,30) } show() } exec() } Func pHello lineedit1.settext( "Hello " + lineedit1.text()) Func pClose MyApp.quit() Program Output: At first we type the name in the textbox .. image:: ringqt_shot1.jpg :alt: Enter the name in the textbox Then we click on the say hello button .. image:: ringqt_shot2.jpg :alt: Click on the button .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using Layout Using Layout ============ The next example is just an upgrade to the previous application to use the vertical layout. .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Hello World") setGeometry(100,100,400,130) label1 = new qLabel(win1) { settext("What is your name ?") setGeometry(10,20,350,30) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("Say Hello") setclickevent("pHello()") } btn2 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(150,200,100,30) settext("Close") setclickevent("pClose()") } lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) { setGeometry(10,100,350,30) } layout1 = new qVBoxLayout() { addwidget(label1) addwidget(lineedit1) addwidget(btn1) addwidget(btn2) } win1.setlayout(layout1) show() } exec() } Func pHello lineedit1.settext( "Hello " + lineedit1.text()) Func pClose MyApp.quit() The application during the runtime! .. image:: ringqt_shot3.jpg :alt: Vertical Layout .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using the QTextEdit Class Using the QTextEdit Class ========================= In this example we will use the QTextEdit Class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("QTextEdit Class") setGeometry(100,100,500,500) new qtextedit(win1) { setGeometry(10,10,480,480) } show() } exec() } During the runtime we can paste rich text in the qtextedit widget .. image:: ringqt_shot4.jpg :alt: QTextEdit Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using the QListWidget Class Using the QListWidget Class =========================== In this example we will use the QListWidget Class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setGeometry(100,100,400,400) list1 = new qlistwidget(win1) { setGeometry(150,100,200,200) alist = ["one","two","three","four","five"] for x in alist additem(x) next setcurrentrow(3,2) win1.setwindowtitle("Items Count : " + count() ) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("selected item") setclickevent("pWork()") } btn2 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,240,100,30) settext("Delete item") setclickevent("pWork2()") } show() } exec() } func pWork btn1.settext(string(list1.currentrow())) func pWork2 list1 { takeitem(currentrow()) } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot5.jpg :alt: QListWidget Class Another Example: .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setGeometry(100,100,500,400) list1 = new qlistwidget(win1) { setGeometry(150,100,200,200) alist = ["one","two","three","four","five"] for x in alist additem(x) next setcurrentrow(3,2) win1.setwindowtitle("Items Count : " + count() ) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("selected item") setclickevent("pWork()") } btn2 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,240,100,30) settext("Delete item") setclickevent("pWork2()") } show() } exec() } func pWork nbrOfItems = list1.count() curItemNbr = list1.currentrow() curValue = list1.item(list1.currentrow()).text() win1.setwindowtitle( "After Select - NbrOfItems: " + nbrOfItems + " CurItemNbr: " + curItemNbr + " CurValue: " + curValue ) btn1.settext( string(list1.currentrow() ) + " --- " + list1.item(list1.currentrow()).text() ) func pWork2 list1 { takeitem(currentrow()) nbrOfItems = count() curItemNbr = currentrow() curValue = item(currentrow()).text() win1.setwindowtitle("After Delete - NbrOfItems: " + nbrOfItems + " CurItemNbr: " + curItemNbr +" CurValue: " + curValue ) } .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel ==================================== In this example we will learn how to use the QTreeView widget to represent the File System .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = New qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel") setGeometry(100,100,500,400) New qtreeview(win1) { setGeometry(00,00,500,400) oDir = new QDir() ofile = new QFileSystemModel() ofile.setrootpath(oDir.currentpath()) setmodel(ofile) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot6.jpg :alt: QTreeView and QFileSystemModel .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem ===================================== In this example we will learn about using the QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem classes .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("TreeWidget") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) layout1 = new qvboxlayout() tree1 = new qtreewidget(win1) { setGeometry(00,00,400,400) setcolumncount(1) myitem = new qtreewidgetitem() myitem.settext(0,"The First Step") addtoplevelitem(myitem) for x = 1 to 10 myitem2 = new qtreewidgetitem() myitem2.settext(0,"hello"+x) myitem.addchild(myitem2) for y = 1 to 10 myitem3 = new qtreewidgetitem() myitem3.settext(0,"hello"+x) myitem2.addchild(myitem3) next next setheaderlabel("Steps Tree") } layout1.addwidget(tree1) setlayout(layout1) show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot7.jpg :alt: QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QComboBox Class Using QComboBox Class ===================== In this example we will learn about using the QComboBox class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Using QComboBox") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) New QComboBox(win1) { setGeometry(150,100,200,30) alist = ["one","two","three","four","five"] for x in aList additem(x,0) next } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot8.jpg :alt: QComboBox .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Creating Menubar Creating Menubar ================ In this example we will learn about using the QMenuBar class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Using QMenubar") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) { sub1 = addmenu("File") sub2 = addmenu("Edit") sub3 = addmenu("Help") sub1 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("New") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Open") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Save") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Save As") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qaction(win1) { settext("Exit") setclickevent("myapp.quit()") } addaction(oAction) } sub2 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Cut") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Copy") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Paste") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Select All") } addaction(oAction) } sub3 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Reference") } addaction(oAction) sub4 = addmenu("Sub Menu") sub4 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Website") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Forum") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Blog") } addaction(oAction) } addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("About") } addaction(oAction) } } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot9.jpg :alt: QMenuBar .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Creating Toolbar Creating Toolbar ================ In this example we will learn about using the QToolBar class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QToolbar") setGeometry(100,100,600,400) abtns = [ new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Add") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Edit") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Find") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Delete") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Exit") setclickevent("win1.close()") } ] tool1 = new qtoolbar(win1) { for x in abtns addwidget(x) addseparator() next setmovable(true) setGeometry(0,0,500,30) setFloatable(true) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot10.jpg :alt: QToolBar .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Creating StatusBar Creating StatusBar ================== In this example we will learn about using the QStatusBar class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QStatusbar") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) status1 = new qstatusbar(win1) { showmessage("Ready!",0) } setstatusbar(status1) show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot11.jpg :alt: QStatusBar .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QDockWidget Using QDockWidget ================= In this example we will learn about using the QDockWidget class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QDockWidget") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) label1 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("Hello") setGeometry(300,300,100,100) } label2 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("How are you ?") setGeometry(100,100,100,100) } dock1 = new qdockwidget(win1,0) { setwidget(label1) SetAllowedAreas(1) } dock2 = new qdockwidget(win1,0) { setwidget(label2) SetAllowedAreas(2) } adddockwidget(Qt_LeftDockWidgetArea,dock1,Qt_Horizontal) adddockwidget(Qt_LeftDockWidgetArea,dock2,Qt_Vertical) show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot12.jpg :alt: QDockWidget .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QTabWidget Using QTabWidget ================= In this example we will learn about using the QTabWidget class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QTabWidget") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) page1 = new qwidget() { new qpushbutton(page1) { settext("The First Page") } } page2 = new qwidget() { new qpushbutton(page2) { settext("The Second Page") } } page3 = new qwidget() { new qpushbutton(page3) { settext("The Third Page") } } tab1 = new qtabwidget(win1) { inserttab(0,page1,"Page 1") inserttab(1,page2,"Page 2") inserttab(2,page3,"Page 3") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) } status1 = new qstatusbar(win1) { showmessage("Ready!",0) } setstatusbar(status1) showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot13.jpg :alt: QTabWidget .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QTableWidget Using QTableWidget ================== In this example we will learn about using the QTableWidget class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,1100,370) setwindowtitle("Using QTableWidget") Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) { setrowcount(10) setcolumncount(10) setGeometry(0,0,800,400) setselectionbehavior(QAbstractItemView_SelectRows) for x = 1 to 10 for y = 1 to 10 item1 = new qtablewidgetitem("R"+X+"C"+Y) setitem(x-1,y-1,item1) next next } setcentralwidget(table1) show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot14.jpg :alt: QTableWidget .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QProgressBar Using QProgressBar ================== In this example we will learn about using the QProgressBar class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,600,150) setwindowtitle("Using QProgressBar") for x = 10 to 100 step 10 new qprogressbar(win1) { setGeometry(100,x,350,30) setvalue(x) } next show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot15.jpg :alt: QProgressBar .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QSpinBox Using QSpinBox ============== In this example we will learn about using the QSpinBox class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,450,260) setwindowtitle("Using QSpinBox") new qspinbox(win1) { setGeometry(50,100,350,30) setvalue(50) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot16.jpg :alt: QSpinBox .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QSlider Using QSlider ============= In this example we will learn about using the QSlider class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,500,400) setwindowtitle("Using QSlider") new qslider(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,50,130) settickinterval(50) } new qslider(win1) { setGeometry(100,250,250,30) settickinterval(50) setorientation(Qt_Horizontal) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot17.jpg :alt: QSlider .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QDateEdit Using QDateEdit ================== In this example we will learn about using the QDateEdit class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QDateEdit") setGeometry(100,100,250,100) new qdateedit(win1) { setGeometry(20,40,220,30) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot18.jpg :alt: QDateEdit .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QDial Using QDial ================== In this example we will learn about using the QDial class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,450,500) setwindowtitle("Using QDial") new qdial(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,250,300) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot19.jpg :alt: QDial Another Example .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,450,500) setwindowtitle("Using QDial") button1 = new QPushButton(win1){ setGeometry(100,350,100,30) settext("Increment") setClickEvent("pIncrement()") } button2 = new QPushButton(win1){ setGeometry(250,350,100,30) settext("Decrement") setClickEvent("pDecrement()") } pdial = new qdial(win1) { setGeometry(100,50,250,300) setNotchesVisible(true) setValue(50) SetValueChangedEvent("pDialMove()") } lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) { setGeometry(200,400,50,30) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter) settext(string(pdial.value())) setreturnPressedEvent("pPress()") } show() } exec() } func pIncrement pdial{val=value()} pdial.setvalue(val+1) lineedit1{settext(string(val+1))} func pDecrement pdial{val=value()} pdial.setvalue(val-1) lineedit1{settext(string(val-1))} func pPress lineedit1{val=text()} pdial.setvalue(number(val)) func pDialMove lineedit1.settext(""+pdial.value()) .. image:: usingqdial.png :alt: QDial - Second Example .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QWebView Using QWebView ============== In this example we will learn about using the QWebView class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QWebView") myweb = new qwebview(win1) { setGeometry(10,10,600,600) loadpage(new qurl("http://google.com")) } setcentralwidget(myweb) showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot20.jpg :alt: QWebView .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QCheckBox Using QCheckBox =============== In this example we will learn about using the QCheckBox class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QCheckBox") new qcheckbox(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,100,30) settext("New Customer!") } showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot21.jpg :alt: QCheckBox Another Example: .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,400,300) setwindowtitle("Using QCheckBox") ### 0-Unchecked 1-Checked CheckBox = new qcheckbox(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,160,30) settext("New Customer!") setclickedEvent("HandleClickEvent()") } show() } exec() } Func HandleClickEvent if CheckBox.isChecked() = 1 CheckBox.settext("New Customer. Check 1-ON") else CheckBox.settext("New Customer. Check 0-OFF") ok .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup ==================================== In this example we will learn about using the QRadioButton and QButtonGroup classes .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QRadioButton") new qradiobutton(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,100,30) settext("One") } new qradiobutton(win1) { setGeometry(100,150,100,30) settext("Two") } new qradiobutton(win1) { setGeometry(100,200,100,30) settext("Three") } group2 = new qbuttongroup(win1) { btn4 = new qradiobutton(win1) { setGeometry(200,150,100,30) settext("Four") } btn5 = new qradiobutton(win1) { setGeometry(200,200,100,30) settext("Five") } addbutton(btn4,0) addbutton(btn5,0) } showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot22.jpg :alt: QRadioButton and QButtonGroup classes .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Adding Hyperlink to QLabel Adding Hyperlink to QLabel ========================== In this example we will learn about creating Hyperlink using the QLabel class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QLabel - Hyperlink") new qlabel(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,100,30) setopenexternallinks(true) settext('Google') } showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot23.jpg :alt: Hyperlink .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer ============================= In this example we will learn about using the QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer classes to play a group of movies from different positions at the same time .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QVideoWidget") btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(0,0,100,30) settext("play") setclickevent("player.play() player2.play() player3.play() player4.play()") } videowidget = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(50,50,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } videowidget2 = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(700,50,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } videowidget3 = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(50,370,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } videowidget4 = new qvideowidget(win1) { setGeometry(700,370,600,300) setstylesheet("background-color: black") } player = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("1.mp4")) setvideooutput(videowidget) setposition(35*60*1000) } player2 = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("2.mp4")) setvideooutput(videowidget2) setposition(23*60*1000) } player3 = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("3.mp4")) setvideooutput(videowidget3) setposition(14.22*60*1000) } player4 = new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("4.avi")) setvideooutput(videowidget4) setposition(8*60*1000) } showfullscreen() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot24.jpg :alt: QVideoWidget .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QFrame Using QFrame ============ In this example we will learn about using the QFrame class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Using QFrame") for x = 0 to 10 frame1 = new qframe(win1,0) { setGeometry(100,20+50*x,400,30) setframestyle(QFrame_Raised | QFrame_WinPanel) } next showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot25.jpg :alt: QFrame .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Display Image using QLabel Display Image using QLabel ========================== In this example we will learn about displaying an image using the QLabel widget .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QLabel - Display image") new qlabel(win1) { image = new qpixmap("b:/mahmoud/photo/advice.jpg") setpixmap(image) setGeometry(0,0,image.width(),image.height()) } showMaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot26.jpg :alt: Display Image .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Menubar and StyleSheet Example Menubar and StyleSheet Example ============================== In this example we will learn about creating menubar and setting the window stylesheet .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Menubar") menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) { sub1 = addmenu("File") sub1 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("New") setenabled(false) } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Open") setcheckable(true) setchecked(true) setstatustip("open new file") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Save") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Save As") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qaction(win1) oAction.settext("Exit") oAction.setclickevent("myapp.quit()") addaction(oAction) } } status1 = new qstatusbar(win1) { showmessage("Ready!",0) } setmenubar(menu1) setmousetracking(true) setstatusbar(status1) setStyleSheet("color: black; selection-color: black; selection-background-color:white ; background: QLinearGradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #eef, stop: 1 #ccf);") showmaximized() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot27.jpg :alt: Menubar .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox ================================ In this example we will learn about using QLineEdit Events and displaying a Messagebox .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Welcome") setGeometry(100,100,400,300) label1 = new qLabel(win1) { settext("What is your name ?") setGeometry(10,20,350,30) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter) } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,200,100,30) settext("Say Hello") setclickevent("pHello()") } btn1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(150,200,100,30) settext("Close") setclickevent("pClose()") } lineedit1 = new qlineedit(win1) { setGeometry(10,100,350,30) settextchangedevent("pChange()") setreturnpressedevent("penter()") } show() } exec() } Func pHello lineedit1.settext( "Hello " + lineedit1.text()) Func pClose MyApp.quit() Func pChange win1 { setwindowtitle( lineedit1.text() ) } Func pEnter new qmessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle("Thanks") settext("Hi " + lineedit1.text() ) setstylesheet("background-color : white") show() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot28.jpg :alt: qLineEdit events and qMessagebox .. image:: ringqt_shot29.jpg :alt: qLineEdit events and qMessagebox .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Other Widgets Events Other Widgets Events ==================== Each Qt signal can be used in RingQt, just add Set before the signal name and add event after the signal name to get the method that can be used to determine the event code. For example the QProgressBar class contains a signal named valueChanged() To use it just use the function setValueChangedEvent() Example: .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QProgressBar valueChanged Event") progress1 = new qprogressbar(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,350,30) setvalue(10) setvaluechangedevent("pChange()") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(10,10,100,30) settext("increase") setclickevent("pIncrease()") } showMaximized() } exec() } func pIncrease progress1 { setvalue(value()+1) } func pchange win1.setwindowtitle("value : " + progress1.value() ) The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot30.jpg :alt: qProgressBar valueChanged event Another example for the stateChanged event of the QCheckBox class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("QCheckBox") new qcheckbox(win1) { setGeometry(100,100,100,30) settext("New Customer!") setstatechangedevent("pchange()") } showMaximized() } exec() } Func pChange new qMessageBox(Win1) { setWindowTitle("Checkbox") settext("State Changed!") show() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot31.jpg :alt: qProgressBar valueChanged event .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using the QTimer Class Using the QTimer Class ====================== In this example we will learn about using the QTimer class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setgeometry(100,100,200,70) setwindowtitle("Timer") label1 = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,200,30) settext(thetime()) } new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(1000) settimeoutevent("pTime()") start() } show() } exec() } func ptime label1.settext(thetime()) Func thetime return "Time : " + Time() The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot32.jpg :alt: QTimer Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QProgressBar and Timer Using QProgressBar and Timer ============================ In this example we will learn about using the "animated" QProgressBar class and Timer .. code-block:: ring ###------------------------------------ ### ProgressBar and Timer Example Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setgeometry(100,100,400,100) setwindowtitle("Timer and ProgressBar") LabelMan = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,200,30) settext(theTime()) ### ==>> func } TimerMan = new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(1000) settimeoutevent("pTime()") ### ==>> func start() } BarMan = new qprogressbar(win1) { setGeometry(100,50,300,10) ### Position X y, Length, Thickness setvalue(0) ### Percent filled } show() } exec() } func pTime LabelMan.settext(theTime()) ### ==>> func Increment = 10 if BarMan.value() >= 100 ### ProgressBar start over. BarMan.setvalue(0) ok BarMan{ setvalue(value() + Increment) } Func theTime return "Time : " + Time() .. image:: ringqt_shot15-B.jpg :alt: QProgressBar .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Display Scaled Image using QLabel Display Scaled Image using QLabel ================================= In this example we will learn about displaying and scaling an image so that it looks "animated" using the QLabel widget .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" #---------------------------------------------------- # REQUIRES: image = "C:\RING\bin\stock.jpg" # imageStock: start dimensions for growing image imageW = 200 ; imageH = 200 ; GrowBy = 4 ###---------------------------------------------------- ### Window and Box Size dimensions WinWidth = 1280 ; WinHeight = 960 BoxWidth = WinWidth -80 ; BoxHeight = WinHeight -80 ###---------------------------------------------------- New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setgeometry(50,50, WinWidth,WinHeight) setwindowtitle("Animated Image - Display Image Scaled and Resized") imageStock = new qlabel(win1) { image = new qpixmap("C:\RING\bin\stock.jpg") AspectRatio = image.width() / image.height() imageW = 200 imageH = imageH / AspectRatio ### Size-H, Size-V, Aspect, Transform setpixmap(image.scaled(imageW , imageH ,0,0)) PosLeft = (BoxWidth - imageW ) / 2 PosTop = (BoxHeight - imageH ) / 2 setGeometry(PosLeft,PosTop,imageW,imageH) } TimerMan = new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(100) ### interval 100 millisecs. settimeoutevent("pTime()") ### ==>> func start() } show() } exec() } ###------------------------------------------------------ ### Fuction TimerMan: calling interval 100 milliseconds func pTime ### Stop Timer when image is size of Window area if imageW > BoxWidth TimerMan.stop() imageStock.clear() ### Will clear the image ok ### Grow image imageW += GrowBy imageH = imageW / AspectRatio ### Scaled Image: Size-H, Size-V, Aspect, Transform imageStock.setpixmap(image.scaled(imageW , imageH ,0,0)) ### Center the image PosLeft = (WinWidth - imageW ) / 2 PosTop = (WinHeight - imageH ) / 2 imageStock.setGeometry(PosLeft,PosTop,imageW,imageH) .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using the QFileDialog Class Using the QFileDialog Class =========================== Example .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("open file") setgeometry(100,100,400,400) new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,200,30) settext("open file") setclickevent("pOpen()") } show() } exec() } Func pOpen new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getopenfilename(win1,"open file","c:\","source files(*.ring)") win1.setwindowtitle(cName) } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot33.jpg :alt: QFileDialog Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Drawing using QPainter Drawing using QPainter ====================== In this example we will learn about drawing using the QPainter class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Drawing using QPainter") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) label1 = new qlabel(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,400,400) settext("") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(200,400,100,30) settext("draw") setclickevent("draw()") } show() } exec() } Func draw p1 = new qpicture() color = new qcolor() { setrgb(0,0,255,255) } pen = new qpen() { setcolor(color) setwidth(10) } new qpainter() { begin(p1) setpen(pen) drawline(500,150,950,450) drawline(950,550,500,150) endpaint() } label1 { setpicture(p1) show() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot34.jpg :alt: QPainter Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Printing using QPrinter Printing using QPrinter ======================= In this example we will learn how to print to PDF file using QPrinter .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Printer") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) myweb = new qwebview(win1) { setgeometry(100,100,1000,500) loadpage(new qurl("http://google.com")) } new qpushbutton(win1) { setGeometry(20,20,100,30) settext("Print") setclickevent("print()") } showmaximized() } exec() } func print printer1 = new qPrinter(0) { setoutputformat(1) # 1 = pdf setoutputfilename("test.pdf") painter = new qpainter() { begin(printer1) myfont = new qfont("Times",50,-1,0) setfont(myfont) drawtext(100,100,"test") printer1.newpage() drawtext(100,100,"test2") endpaint() } } printer1 = new qPrinter(0) { setoutputformat(1) setoutputfilename("test2.pdf") myweb.print(printer1) myweb.show() } system ("test.pdf") system ("test2.pdf") .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Creating more than one window Creating More than one Window ============================= The next example demonstrates how to create more than one window .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" app1 = new qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("First") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(100,100,100,30) settext("close") setclickevent("app1.quit()") } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(250,100,100,30) settext("Second") setclickevent("second()") } showmaximized() } exec() } func second win2 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Second") setgeometry(100,100,500,500) setwindowflags(Qt_dialog) show() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot35.jpg :alt: More than one window .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Playing Sound Playing Sound ============= Example: .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("play sound!") show() } new qmediaplayer() { setmedia(new qurl("footstep.wav")) setvolume(50) play() } exec() } .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using the QColorDialog Class Using the QColorDialog Class ============================ Example: .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" oApp = new myapp { start() } Class MyApp oColor win1 Func start myapp = new qapp win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Color Dialog") setgeometry(100,100,400,400) } new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,100,30) settext("Get Color") setclickevent("oApp.pColor()") } win1.show() myapp.exec() Func pColor myobj = new qcolordialog() aColor = myobj.GetColor() r=acolor[1] g=acolor[2] b=acolor[3] win1.setstylesheet("background-color: rgb("+r+", " + g+ "," + b + ")") The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot37.jpg :alt: QColorDialog Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using qLCDNumber Using qLCDNumber Class ====================== In this example we will learn about using the qLCDNumber class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("LCD Number") setgeometry(100,100,250,120) new qLCDNumber(win1) { setgeometry(10,10,100,40) display(100) } new qLCDNumber(win1) { setgeometry(10,60,100,40) display(80) } show() } exec() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot38.jpg :alt: QLCDNumber Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Movable Label Example Movable Label Example ===================== .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { label1 = new qLabel(win1) { setText("Welcome") setgeometry(10,10,200,50) setstylesheet("color: purple ; font-size: 30pt;") } new qTimer(win1) { setInterVal(10) setTimeOutEvent("pMove()") start() } setWindowTitle("Movable Label") setgeometry(100,100,600,80) setStyleSheet("background-color: white;") show() } exec() } Func pMove label1 { move(x()+1,y()) if x() > 600 move(10,y()) ok } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot39.jpg :alt: Movable label .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; QMessagebox Example QMessagebox Example =================== In this section we will learn how to check the output of the Message box .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { label1 = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Test") setgeometry(10,10,200,50) setstylesheet("color: purple ; font-size: 30pt;") setclickevent("pWork()") } setWindowTitle("Messagebox") setgeometry(100,100,600,80) setStyleSheet("background-color: white;") show() } exec() } func pWork new qmessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle("messagebox title") settext("messagebox text") setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") setstandardbuttons(QMessageBox_Yes | QMessageBox_No | QMessageBox_Close) result = exec() win1 { if result = QMessageBox_Yes setwindowtitle("Yes") but result = QMessageBox_No setwindowtitle("No") but result = QMessageBox_Close setwindowtitle("Close") ok } } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot40.jpg :alt: QMessageBox output .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QInputDialog Class Using QInputDialog Class ======================== In the next example we will learn about using the QInputDialog class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New QApp { Win1 = New QWidget () { SetGeometry(100,100,400,400) SetWindowTitle("Input Dialog") New QPushButton(win1) { SetText ("Input Dialog") SetGeometry(100,100,100,30) SetClickEvent("pWork()") } Show() } exec() } Func pWork oInput = New QInputDialog(win1) { setwindowtitle("What is your name?") setgeometry(100,100,400,50) setlabeltext("User Name") settextvalue("Mahmoud") lcheck = exec() if lCheck win1.setwindowtitle(oInput.textvalue()) ok } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot41.jpg :alt: QInputDialog .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Dialog Functions Dialog Functions ================ We have the next functions .. code-block:: none SetDialogIcon(cIconFile) MsgInfo(cTitle,cMessage) ConfirmMsg(cTitle,cMessage) --> lResult InputBox(cTitle,cMessage) --> cValue InputBoxInt(cTitle,cMessage) --> nValue InputBoxNum(cTitle,cMessage) --> nValue InputBoxPass(cTitle,cMessage) --> cValue Example .. code-block:: ring load "guilib.ring" new qApp { SetDialogIcon("notepad.png") msginfo(:Ring,:Welcome) see confirmMsg(:Ring,"Are you sure?") + nl see InputBoxNum(:Ring,"Enter Number(double) :") + nl see InputBox(:Ring,"Enter Value :") + nl see InputBoxInt(:Ring,"Enter Number(int)") + nl see InputBoxPass(:Ring,"Enter Password") +nl } .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; KeyPress and Mouse Move Events KeyPress and Mouse Move Events ============================== In this example we will learn how to use the Events Filter to know about KeyPress and Mouse Move Events .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setWindowTitle("Test using Event Filter!") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) setmousetracking(true) myfilter = new qallevents(win1) myfilter.setKeyPressEvent("pWork()") myfilter.setMouseButtonPressevent("pClick()") myfilter.setmousemoveevent("pMove()") installeventfilter(myfilter) show() } exec() } func pWork win1.setwindowtitle('KeyPress! : ' + myfilter.getkeycode()) func pClick new qmessagebox(win1) { setgeometry(100,100,400,100) setwindowtitle("click event!") settext("x : " + myfilter.getx() + " y : " + myfilter.gety() + " button : " + myfilter.getbutton() ) show() } func pMove win1.setwindowtitle("Mouse Move , X : " + myfilter.getx() + " Y : " + myfilter.gety() ) The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot42.jpg :alt: KeyPress and Mouse Move Events .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Moving Objects using the Mouse Moving Objects using the Mouse ============================== In the next example we will learn how to program movable objects where the user can move a label .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" lPress = false nX = 0 nY = 0 new qApp { win1 = new qWidget() { setWindowTitle("Move this label!") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) setstylesheet("background-color:white;") Label1 = new qLabel(Win1){ setGeometry(100,100,200,50) setText("Welcome") setstylesheet("font-size: 30pt") myfilter = new qallevents(label1) myfilter.setEnterevent("pEnter()") myfilter.setLeaveevent("pLeave()") myfilter.setMouseButtonPressEvent("pPress()") myfilter.setMouseButtonReleaseEvent("pRelease()") myfilter.setMouseMoveEvent("pMove()") installeventfilter(myfilter) } show() } exec() } Func pEnter Label1.setStyleSheet("background-color: purple; color:white;font-size: 30pt;") Func pLeave Label1.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color:black;font-size: 30pt;") Func pPress lPress = True nX = myfilter.getglobalx() ny = myfilter.getglobaly() Func pRelease lPress = False pEnter() Func pMove nX2 = myfilter.getglobalx() ny2 = myfilter.getglobaly() ndiffx = nX2 - nX ndiffy = nY2 - nY if lPress Label1 { move(x()+ndiffx,y()+ndiffy) setStyleSheet("background-color: Green; color:white;font-size: 30pt;") nX = nX2 ny = nY2 } ok The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot43.jpg :alt: Moving object using the mouse .. image:: ringqt_shot44.jpg :alt: Moving object using the mouse .. image:: ringqt_shot45.jpg :alt: Moving object using the mouse .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Inheritance from GUI Classes Inheritance from GUI Classes ============================ Example : .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New MyWindow() new qApp { exec() } class mywindow from qwidget Func init super.init() setwindowtitle("First Window") setgeometry(100,100,400,400) setstylesheet("background-color: purple;") settooltip("my first window!") show() The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot46.jpg :alt: Inheritance from GUI Classes .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Using QDesktopWidget Class Using QDesktopWidget Class ========================== In the next example we will learn about using the QDesktopWidget class .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = New qWidget() { resize(400,400) btn1 = new qPushbutton(win1) { setText("Center") move(100,100) resize(100,30) setClickEvent("pCenter()") } Show() } exec() } Func pCenter oDesktop = new qDesktopWidget() oRect = oDesktop.screenGeometry( oDesktop.primaryScreen() ) win1.move((oRect.width()-win1.width()) /2 , (oRect.Height()-win1.Height())/2 ) win1.show() The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot47.jpg :alt: Using QDesktopWidget Class .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Rotate Text Rotate Text =========== The next example rotate text using a Timer. .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" nAngle = 0 New qapp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Rotate Text") resize(800,600) label1 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("") myfilter = new qallevents(win1) myfilter.setMouseButtonPressevent("pClick()") installeventfilter(myfilter) } new qtimer(win1) { setinterval(50) settimeoutevent("pTime()") start() } pDraw() L1 = new qVBoxLayout() { AddWidget(Label1) } SetLayout(L1) showMaximized() } exec() } Func pDraw p1 = new qpicture() color = new qcolor() { setrgb(0,0,255,255) } pen = new qpen() { setcolor(color) setwidth(50) } painter = new qpainter() { begin(p1) setpen(pen) myfont = font() myfont.setpointsize(50) setfont(myfont) rotate(nAngle) drawtext(350,0*nAngle,"welcome") drawtext(0,0*nAngle,"welcome") endpaint() } label1 { setpicture(p1) show() } Func pClick win1 { setwindowtitle("Click Event") } Func pTime nAngle++ if nAngle = 90 nAngle = 10 ok pDraw() The application during the runtime .. image:: shotrotatetext.png :alt: Rotate Text Example .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Change Focus Change Focus ============ The next example change the focus using the ENTER key. .. code-block:: ring load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win = new qWidget() { resize(600,600) SetWindowTitle("Change Focus") text1 = new qLineEdit(win) text2 = new qLineEdit(win) text3 = new qLineEdit(win) text4 = new qLineEdit(win) layout1 = new qVBoxLayout() { AddWidget(text1) AddWidget(text2) AddWidget(text3) AddWidget(text4) } setLayout(Layout1) aList = [text1,text2,text3,text4] oFilter = new qallevents(win) oFilter.setKeyPressEvent("pWork()") installeventfilter(oFilter) show() } exec() } func pWork nCode = oFilter.getkeycode() if nCode = 16777220 # ENTER Key for x=1 to len(aList) if aList[x].HasFocus() t = x+1 if t > len(aList) t=1 ok aList[t].SetFocus(0) exit ok next ok .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Regular Expressions Regular Expressions =================== The next example uses the Regular Expressions classes. .. code-block:: ring load "guilib.ring" new qApp { see "Using Regular Expressions" + nl exp = new qregularexpression() { setPattern("\d\d \w+") see pattern() + nl match = match("33 one",0,0,0) see match.hasmatch() + nl match = match("3 one",0,0,0) see match.hasmatch() + nl match = match("welcome 11 one",0,0,0) see match.hasmatch() + nl matched = match.captured(0) see matched + nl } exp = new qregularexpression() { setPattern("^(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)$") see pattern() + nl match = match("08/12/1985",0,0,0) see match.hasmatch() + nl day = match.captured(1) month = match.captured(2) year = match.captured(3) see day + nl + month + nl + year + nl see "(" + match.capturedStart(1) + "," + match.capturedEnd(1)+ ")" + nl see "(" + match.capturedStart(2) + "," + match.capturedEnd(2)+ ")" + nl see "(" + match.capturedStart(3) + "," + match.capturedEnd(3)+ ")" + nl } } Output .. code-block:: ring Using Regular Expressions \d\d \w+ 1 0 1 11 one ^(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d)$ 1 08 12 1985 (0,2) (3,5) (6,10) .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Simple Client and Server Example Simple Client and Server Example ================================ In this section we will learn about creating simple Client and Server Application .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" new qApp { oClient = new Client { client() } oServer = new Server { server() } exec() } Class Client win1 lineedit1 cOutput="" oTcpSocket func client win1 = new qwidget() new qpushbutton(win1) { setgeometry(50,50,100,30) settext("connect") setclickevent("oClient.Connect()") } lineedit1 = new qtextedit(win1) { setGeometry(150,50,200,300) } win1 { setwindowtitle("client") setgeometry(10,100,400,400) show() } func connect cOutput = "Connect to host port 9999" + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) oTcpSocket = new qTcpSocket(win1) { setconnectedevent("oClient.pConnected()") setreadyreadevent("oClient.pRead()") connecttohost("",9999,3,0) waitforconnected(5000) } func pConnected cOutput += "Connected!" + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) func pRead cOutput += "Ready Read!" + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) cOutput += oTcpSocket.readall().data() + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) Class Server win1 lineedit1 oTcpServer oTcpClient cOutput = "" func server win1 = new qwidget() lineedit1 = new qtextedit(win1) { setGeometry(150,50,200,300) } win1 { setwindowtitle("Server") setgeometry(450,100,400,400) show() } oTcpServer = new qTcpServer(win1) { setNewConnectionEvent("oServer.pNewConnection()") oHostAddress = new qHostAddress() oHostAddress.SetAddress("") listen(oHostAddress,9999) } cOutput = "Server Started" + nl + "listen to port 9999" + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) Func pNewConnection oTcpClient = oTcpServer.nextPendingConnection() cOutput += "Accept Connection" + nl lineedit1.settext(cOutput) oTcpClient { cStr ="Hello from server to client!"+char(13)+char(10) write(cStr,len(cStr)) flush() waitforbyteswritten(300000) close() } The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot36.jpg :alt: Client and Server Example .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Dynamic Objects Dynamic Objects =============== We may create objects in the runtime and add them to windows. Example: .. code-block:: ring load "guilib.ring" oFormDesigner = new FormDesigner { start("oFormDesigner") } Class FormDesigner winToolBox winForm aObjects = [] func start cObjectName oApp = new qApp winToolBox = new qWidget() winToolBox.setWindowTitle("ToolBox") winToolBox.move(10,10) winToolBox.resize(300,600) btn = new qPushButton(winToolBox) btn.resize(300,30) btn.setText("Create Button") btn.setClickEvent(cObjectName+".pCreateButton()") btn.show() winToolBox.show() winForm = new qWidget() { move(400,50) setWindowTitle("Form Designer") resize(600,600) show() } oApp.exec() func pCreateButton nCount = len(aObjects) aObjects + new MyButton(winForm) { nIndex = nCount + 1 setText("Button"+ nIndex) Move(30*nIndex,30*nIndex) resize(100,30) show() } Class MyButton from qPushButton nIndex = 0 .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Weight History Application Weight History Application ========================== The next sample help in recording (Date, Time and Weight). .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" MyApp = new qApp { $ApplicationObject = "oApp" # To be used when calling events oApp = new App exec() oApp.CloseDatabase() } class App cDir = currentdir() + "/" oCon aIDs = [] win1 = new qWidget() { setWindowTitle("Weight History") resize(600,600) layoutButtons = new qhboxlayout() { label1 = new qLabel(win1) { setText("Weight") } text1 = new qlineedit(win1) btnAdd = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Add") setClickEvent($ApplicationObject+".AddWeight()") } btnDelete = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Delete") setClickEvent($ApplicationObject+".Deleteweight()") } addwidget(label1) addwidget(text1) addwidget(btnAdd) addwidget(btnDelete) } layoutData = new qhboxlayout() { Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) { setrowcount(0) setcolumncount(3) setselectionbehavior(QAbstractItemView_SelectRows) setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QTableWidgetItem("Date")) setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, new QTableWidgetItem("Time")) setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, new QTableWidgetItem("Weight")) setitemChangedEvent($ApplicationObject+".ItemChanged()") setAlternatingRowColors(true) horizontalHeader().setStyleSheet("color: blue") verticalHeader().setStyleSheet("color: red") } addWidget(Table1) } layoutClose = new qhboxlayout() { btnclose = new qpushbutton(win1) { setText("Close") setClickEvent("MyApp.Quit()") } addwidget(btnClose) } layoutMain = new qvboxlayout() { addlayout(layoutButtons) addLayout(LayoutData) addLayout(layoutClose) } setlayout(layoutMain) self.OpenDatabase() self.ShowRecords() show() } Func OpenDatabase lCreate = False if not fexists(cDir + "weighthistory.db") lCreate = True ok new QSqlDatabase() { this.oCon = addDatabase("QSQLITE") { setDatabaseName("weighthistory.db") Open() } } if lCreate new QSqlQuery( ) { exec("create table weighthistory (id integer primary key,"+ " f_date varchar(10),"+ " f_time varchar(8), f_weight varchar(8) );") delete() } ok Func CloseDatabase oCon.Close() Func AddWeight cWeight = text1.text() AddRecord(cWeight) Func DeleteWeight Table1 { nRow = CurrentRow() if nRow >= 0 nID = this.aIDs[nROW+1] new QSqlQuery( ) { exec("delete from weighthistory where id = " + nID ) } Del(this.aIDs,nRow+1) removerow(nRow) selectrow(nRow) ok } Func AddRecord cWeight new QSqlQuery( ) { cStr = "insert into weighthistory (f_date,f_time,f_weight) values"+ " ('%f1','%f2','%f3')" cDate = Date() cTime = Time() cStr = substr(cStr,"%f1",cDate) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f2",cTime) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f3",cWeight) exec(cStr) delete() } ShowRecords() Table1.selectrow(table1.rowcount()-1) Func ShowRecords table1.setitemChangedEvent("") aIDs = [] query = new QSqlQuery() { exec("select * from weighthistory") nRows = 0 this.Table1.setrowcount(0) while movenext() this.table1 { insertRow(nRows) this.aIDs + query.value(0).tostring() for x = 1 to 3 cStr = query.value(x).tostring() item = new qTableWidgetItem(cStr) setItem(nRows,x-1,item) next } nRows++ end delete() } table1.setitemChangedEvent($ApplicationObject+".ItemChanged()") Func ItemChanged nRow = table1.currentrow() if nRow >= 0 myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),0) cDate = myitem.text() myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),1) cTime = myitem.text() myitem = Table1.item(table1.currentrow(),2) cWeight = myitem.text() new QSqlQuery( ) { cStr = "update weighthistory set f_date ='%f1' , f_time = '%f2' , "+ "f_weight ='%f3' where id = " + this.aIDs[nROW+1] cStr = substr(cStr,"%f1",cDate) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f2",cTime) cStr = substr(cStr,"%f3",cWeight) exec(cStr) delete() } ok The next screen shot for the application during the runtime .. image:: weighthistory_app.png :alt: Weight History Application .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Notepad Application Notepad Application =================== In the next example we will see simple Notepad developed using the RingQt .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" cActiveFileName = "" aTextColor = [0,0,0] aBackColor = [255,255,255] cFont = "MS Shell Dlg 2,14,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" cWebsite = "http://www.google.com" oSearch = NULL oSearchValue = NULL oSearchCase = NULL oSearchFilter = NULL oReplaceValue = NULL lAskToSave = false MyApp = New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setwindowtitle("Ring Notepad") setGeometry(100,100,400,400) aBtns = [ new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/new.png") setclickevent("pNew()") settooltip("New File") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/open.png") setclickevent("pOpen()") settooltip("Open File") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/save.png") setclickevent("pSave()") settooltip("Save") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/saveas.png") setclickevent("pSaveAs()") settooltip("Save As") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/cut.png") setclickevent("pCut()") settooltip("Cut") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/copy.png") setclickevent("pCopy()") settooltip("Copy") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/paste.png") setclickevent("pPaste()") settooltip("Paste") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/font.png") setclickevent("pFont()") settooltip("Font") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/colors.jpg") setclickevent("pColor()") settooltip("Text Color") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/search.png") setclickevent("pFind()") settooltip("Find and Replace") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/print.png") setclickevent("pPrint()") settooltip("Print") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/debug.png") setclickevent("pDebug()") settooltip("Debug (Run then wait!)") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/run.png") setclickevent("pRun()") settooltip("Run the program") } , new qpushbutton(win1) { setbtnimage(self,"image/close.png") setclickevent("pQuit()") settooltip("Quit") } ] tool1 = addtoolbar("files") { for x in aBtns addwidget(x) addseparator() next } menu1 = new qmenubar(win1) { sub1 = addmenu("File") sub2 = addmenu("Edit") sub3 = addmenu("View") sub4 = addmenu("Help") sub1 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+n")) setbtnimage(self,"image/new.png") settext("New") setclickevent("pNew()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+o")) setbtnimage(self,"image/open.png") settext("Open") setclickevent("pOpen()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+s")) setbtnimage(self,"image/save.png") settext("Save") setclickevent("pSave()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+e")) setbtnimage(self,"image/saveas.png") settext("Save As") setclickevent("pSaveAs()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+p")) setbtnimage(self,"image/print.png") settext("Print to PDF") setclickevent("pPrint()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+d")) setbtnimage(self,"image/debug.png") settext("Debug (Run then wait!)") setclickevent("pDebug()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+r")) setbtnimage(self,"image/run.png") settext("Run") setclickevent("pRun()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+F5")) setbtnimage(self,"image/run.png") settext("Run GUI Application (No Console)") setclickevent("pRunNoConsole()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qaction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+q")) setbtnimage(self,"image/close.png") settext("Exit") setstatustip("Exit") setclickevent("pQuit()") } addaction(oAction) } sub2 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+x")) setbtnimage(self,"image/cut.png") settext("Cut") setclickevent("pCut()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+c")) setbtnimage(self,"image/copy.png") settext("Copy") setclickevent("pCopy()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+v")) setbtnimage(self,"image/paste.png") settext("Paste") setclickevent("pPaste()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+i")) setbtnimage(self,"image/font.png") settext("Font") setclickevent("pFont()") } addseparator() addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+t")) setbtnimage(self,"image/colors.jpg") settext("Text Color") setclickevent("pColor()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+b")) setbtnimage(self,"image/colors.jpg") settext("Back Color") setclickevent("pColor2()") } addaction(oAction) addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+g")) settext("Go to line") setclickevent("pGoto()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+f")) setbtnimage(self,"image/search.png") settext("Find and Replace") setclickevent("pFind()") } addaction(oAction) } sub3 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+p")) setbtnimage(self,"image/project.png") settext("Project Files") setclickevent("pProject()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+u")) setbtnimage(self,"image/source.png") setclickevent("pSourceCode()") settext("Source Code") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { setShortcut(new QKeySequence("Ctrl+w")) setbtnimage(self,"image/richtext.png") setclickevent("pWebBrowser()") settext("Web Browser") } addaction(oAction) } sub4 { sub5 = addmenu("Development Tools") sub5 { oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("Programming Language") setclickevent("pLang()") } addaction(oAction) oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("GUI Library") setclickevent("pGUI()") } addaction(oAction) } addseparator() oAction = new qAction(win1) { settext("About") setclickevent("pAbout()") } addaction(oAction) } } setmenubar(menu1) status1 = new qstatusbar(win1) { showmessage("Ready!",0) } setstatusbar(status1) tree1 = new qtreeview(win1) { setclickedevent("pChangeFile()") setGeometry(00,00,200,400) oDir = new QDir() ofile = new QFileSystemModel() { setrootpath(oDir.currentpath()) myfiles = new qstringlist() myfiles.append("*.ring") myfiles.append("*.rh") setnamefilters(myfiles) setNameFilterDisables(false) } setmodel(ofile) myindex = ofile.index(oDir.currentpath(),0) for x = 1 to ofile.columncount() hidecolumn(x) next setcurrentindex(myindex) setexpanded(myindex,true) header().hide() } oDock1 = new qdockwidget(win1,0) { setGeometry(00,00,200,200) setwindowtitle("Project Files") setwidget(tree1) } textedit1 = new qtextedit(win1) { setCursorPositionChangedevent("pCursorPositionChanged()") setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit_NoWrap) setAcceptRichText(false) setTextChangedEvent("lAskToSave = true") } oDock2 = new qdockwidget(win1,0) { setwidget(textedit1) setwindowtitle("Source Code") } oWebBrowser = new qWidget() { setWindowFlags(Qt_SubWindow) oWBLabel = new qLabel(win1) { setText("Website: ") } oWBText = new qLineEdit(win1) { setText(cWebSite) setReturnPressedEvent("pWebGo()") } oWBGo = new qPushButton(win1) { setText("Go") setClickEvent("pWebGo()") } oWBBack = new qPushButton(win1) { setText("Back") setClickEvent("pWebBack()") } oWBLayout1 = new qHBoxLayout() { addWidget(oWBLabel) addWidget(oWBText) addWidget(oWBGo) addWidget(oWBBack) } oWebView = new qWebView(win1) { loadpage(new qurl(cWebSite)) } oWBlayout2 = new qVBoxLayout() { addLayout(oWBLayout1) addWidget(oWebView) } setLayout(oWBLayout2) } oDock3 = new qdockwidget(win1,0) { setwidget(oWebBrowser) setwindowtitle("Web Browser") setFeatures(QDockWidget_DocWidgetClosable) } adddockwidget(1,oDock1,1) adddockwidget(2,oDock2,2) adddockwidget(2,oDock3,1) setwinicon(self,"image/notepad.png") showmaximized() } RestoreSettings() exec() } func pWebGo cWebsite = oWBText.text() oWebView.LoadPage( new qurl( cWebSite ) ) func pWebBack oWebView.Back() func pProject oDock1.Show() func pSourceCode oDock2.Show() func pWebBrowser oDock3.Show() func pChangeFile myitem = tree1.currentindex() if ofile.isdir(myitem) return ok cActiveFileName = ofile.filepath(myitem) textedit1.settext(read(cActiveFileName)) textedit1.setfocus(0) pCursorPositionChanged() pSetActiveFileName() func pSetActiveFileName oDock2.setWindowTitle("Source Code : " + cActiveFileName) func pCursorPositionChanged status1.showmessage(" Line : "+(textedit1.textcursor().blocknumber()+1)+ " Column : " +(textedit1.textcursor().columnnumber()+1) + " Total Lines : " + textedit1.document().linecount() ,0) func pGoto oInput = New QInputDialog(win1) { setwindowtitle("Enter the line number?") setgeometry(100,100,400,50) setlabeltext("Line") settextvalue("1") exec() nLine = 0 + oInput.textvalue() oBlock = textedit1.document().findBlockByLineNumber(nLine-1) oCursor = textedit1.textcursor() oCursor.setposition(oBlock.position(),0) textedit1.settextcursor(oCursor) } func pFind if isobject(oSearch) oSearch.activatewindow() return ok oSearch = new qWidget() { new qLabel(oSearch) { setText("Find What : ") setgeometry(10,10,50,30) } oSearchValue = new qlineedit(oSearch) { setgeometry(80,10,460,30) setReturnPressedEvent("pFindValue()") } new qLabel(oSearch) { setText("Replace with ") setgeometry(10,45,80,30) } oReplaceValue = new qlineedit(oSearch) { setgeometry(80,45,460,30) } oSearchCase = new qCheckbox(oSearch) { setText("Case Sensitive") setgeometry(80,85,100,30) } new qPushButton(oSearch) { setText("Find/Find Next") setgeometry(80,120,100,30) setclickevent("pFindValue()") } new qPushButton(oSearch) { setText("Replace") setgeometry(200,120,100,30) setclickevent("pReplace()") } new qPushButton(oSearch) { setText("Replace All") setgeometry(320,120,100,30) setclickevent("pReplaceAll()") } new qPushButton(oSearch) { setText("Close") setgeometry(440,120,100,30) setclickevent("pSearchClose()") } setwinicon(oSearch,"image/notepad.png") setWindowTitle("Find/Replace") setStyleSheet("background-color:white;") setFixedsize(550,160) setwindowflags( Qt_CustomizeWindowHint | Qt_WindowTitleHint | Qt_WindowStaysOnTopHint) oSearchFilter = new qallevents(oSearch) oSearchFilter.setKeyPressEvent("pSearchKeyPress()") installeventfilter(oSearchFilter) show() } Func pReplace oCursor = textedit1.textCursor() if oCursor.HasSelection() = false new qMessagebox(oSearch) { SetWindowTitle("Replace") SetText("No Selection") show() } return false ok cValue = oSearchValue.text() cSelected = oCursor.SelectedText() if oSearchCase.checkState() = Qt_Unchecked cValue = lower(cValue) cSelected = lower(cSelected) ok if cSelected != cValue new qMessagebox(oSearch) { SetWindowTitle("Replace") SetText("No Match") show() } return false ok cValue = oReplaceValue.text() nStart = oCursor.SelectionStart() nEnd = oCursor.SelectionEnd() cStr = textedit1.toPlainText() cStr = left(cStr,nStart)+cValue+substr(cStr,nEnd+1) textedit1.setText(cStr) return pFindValue() Func pReplaceAll cStr = textedit1.toPlainText() cOldValue = oSearchValue.text() cNewValue = oReplaceValue.text() if oSearchCase.checkState() = Qt_Unchecked # Not Case Sensitive cStr = SubStr(cStr,cOldValue,cNewValue,true) else # Case Sensitive cStr = SubStr(cStr,cOldValue,cNewValue) ok textedit1.setText(cStr) new qMessagebox(oSearch) { SetWindowTitle("Replace All") SetText("Operation Done") show() } Func pSearchClose oSearch.close() oSearch = NULL func pSearchKeyPress if oSearchFilter.getKeyCode() = Qt_Key_Escape pSearchClose() ok func pFindValue oCursor = textedit1.textcursor() nPosStart = oCursor.Position() + 1 cValue = oSearchValue.text() cStr = textedit1.toplaintext() cStr = substr(cStr,nPosStart) if oSearchCase.checkState() = Qt_Unchecked cStr = lower(cStr) cValue = lower(cValue) ok nPos = substr(cStr,cValue) if nPos > 0 nPos += nPosStart - 2 oCursor = textedit1.textcursor() oCursor.setposition(nPos,0) textedit1.settextcursor(oCursor) oCursor = textedit1.textcursor() oCursor.setposition(nPos+len(cValue),1) textedit1.settextcursor(oCursor) return true else new qMessagebox(oSearch) { SetWindowTitle("Search") SetText("Cannot find :" + cValue) show() } return false ok func pNofileopened New qMessageBox(win1) { setWindowTitle("Sorry") setText("Save the file first!") show() } func pDebug if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok cCode = "start run " + cActiveFileName + nl system(cCode) func pRun if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok cCode = "start ring " + cActiveFileName + nl system(cCode) func pRunNoConsole if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok cCode = "start /b ring " + cActiveFileName + nl system(cCode) func pSave if cActiveFileName = NULL return pSaveAs() ok writefile(cActiveFileName,textedit1.toplaintext()) status1.showmessage("File : " + cActiveFileName + " saved!",0) lAskToSave = false func pSaveAs new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getsavefilename(win1,"Save As","","source files(*.ring)") if cName != NULL cActiveFileName = cName writefile(cActiveFileName,textedit1.toplaintext()) status1.showmessage("File : " + cActiveFileName + " saved!",0) pSetActiveFileName() lAskToSave = false ok } func pPrint status1.showmessage("Printing to File : RingDoc.pdf",0) printer1 = new qPrinter(0) { setoutputformat(1) # 1 = pdf setoutputfilename("RingDoc.pdf") textedit1.print(printer1) } status1.showmessage("Done!",0) system("RingDoc.pdf") func pCut textedit1.cut() status1.showmessage("Cut!",0) func pCopy textedit1.copy() status1.showmessage("Copy!",0) func pPaste textedit1.paste() status1.showmessage("Paste!",0) func pFont oFontDialog = new qfontdialog() { aFont = getfont() } textedit1.selectall() cFont = aFont[1] pSetFont() Func pSetFont myfont = new qfont("",0,0,0) myfont.fromstring(cFont) textedit1.setcurrentfont(myfont) Func pColor new qcolordialog() { aTextColor = GetColor() } pSetColors() Func pColor2 new qcolordialog() { aBackColor = GetColor() } pSetColors() Func pSetColors textedit1.setstylesheet("color: rgb(" + aTextColor[1] + "," + aTextColor[2] + "," + aTextColor[3] + ");" + "background-color: rgb(" + aBackColor[1] + "," + aBackColor[2] + "," + aBackColor[3] + ")") func pOpen new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getopenfilename(win1,"open file","c:\","source files(*.ring)") if cName != NULL cActiveFileName = cName textedit1.settext(read(cActiveFileName)) ok } func pNew new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getsavefilename(win1,"New file","","source files(*.ring)") if cName != NULL write(cName,"") cActiveFileName = cName textedit1.settext(read(cActiveFileName)) ok } Func WriteFile cFileName,cCode aCode = str2list(cCode) fp = fopen(cFileName,"wb") for cLine in aCode fwrite(fp,cLine+char(13)+char(10)) next fclose(fp) Func MsgBox cTitle,cMessage new qMessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle(cTitle) setText(cMessage) show() } Func pLang MsgBox("Programming Language", "This application developed using the Ring programming language") Func pGUI MsgBox("GUI Library", "This application uses the Qt GUI Library through RingQt") Func pAbout MsgBox("About", "2016, Mahmoud Fayed ") Func pSaveSettings cSettings = "aTextColor = ["+aTextColor[1]+","+aTextColor[2]+ ","+aTextColor[3]+"]" + nl + "aBackColor = ["+aBackColor[1]+","+aBackColor[2]+ ","+aBackColor[3]+"]" + nl + "cFont = '" + cFont + "'" + nl + "cWebSite = '" + cWebsite + "'" + nl cSettings = substr(cSettings,nl,char(13)+char(10)) write("ringnotepad.ini",cSettings) if lAsktoSave new qmessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle("Save Changes?") settext("Some changes are not saved!") setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") setstandardbuttons(QMessageBox_Yes | QMessageBox_No | QMessageBox_Cancel) result = exec() win1 { if result = QMessageBox_Yes pSave() but result = QMessageBox_Cancel return false ok } } ok return true Func pSetWebsite oWebView { loadpage(new qurl(cWebSite)) } oWBText { setText(cWebSite) } Func RestoreSettings eval(read("ringnotepad.ini")) pSetColors() pSetFont() pSetWebsite() Func pQuit if pSaveSettings() myapp.quit() ok The application during the runtime The next screen shot demonstrates the "File" menu .. image:: ringqt_shot50.jpg :alt: Ring Notepad - File Menu The next window for "search and replace" .. image:: ringqt_shot51.jpg :alt: Ring Notepad - Search and replace The next screen shot demonstrates the application main window .. image:: ringqt_shot49.jpg :alt: Ring Notepad - The Main Window .. Note:: the functions pDebug(), pRun() and pRunNoConsole() in the previous sample are not portable! They are written in this sample for MS-Windows and we can update them for other operating systems. .. index:: pair: Demo Programs; The Cards Game .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; The Cards Game The Cards Game ============== In the next example we will see a simple Cards game developed using RingQt Each player get 5 cards, the cards are unknown to any one. each time one player click on one card to see it. if the card is identical to another card the play get point for each card. if the card value is "5" the player get points for all visible cards. .. code-block:: ring Load "guilib.ring" nScale = 1 app1 = new qApp mypic = new QPixmap("cards.jpg") mypic2 = mypic.copy(0,(124*4)+1,79,124) Player1EatPic = mypic.copy(80,(124*4)+1,79,124) Player2EatPic= mypic.copy(160,(124*4)+1,79,124) aMyCards = [] aMyValues = [] for x1 = 0 to 3 for y1 = 0 to 12 temppic = mypic.copy((79*y1)+1,(124*x1)+1,79,124) aMyCards + temppic aMyValues + (y1+1) next next nPlayer1Score = 0 nPlayer2Score=0 do Page1 = new Game Page1.Start() again Page1.lnewgame mypic.delete() mypic2.delete() Player1EatPic.delete() Player2EatPic.delete() for t in aMyCards t.delete() next func gui_setbtnpixmap pBtn,pPixmap pBtn { setIcon(new qicon(pPixmap.scaled(width(),height(),0,0))) setIconSize(new QSize(width(),height())) } Class Game nCardsCount = 10 win1 layout1 label1 label2 layout2 layout3 aBtns aBtns2 aCards nRole=1 aStatus = list(nCardsCount) aStatus2 = aStatus aValues aStatusValues = aStatus aStatusValues2 = aStatus Player1EatPic Player2EatPic lnewgame = false nDelayEat = 0.5 nDelayNewGame = 1 func start win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Five") setstylesheet("background-color: White") showfullscreen() } layout1 = new qvboxlayout() label1 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("Player (1) - Score : " + nPlayer1Score) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter | Qt_AlignVCenter) setstylesheet("color: White; background-color: Purple; font-size:20pt") setfixedheight(200) } closebtn = new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Close Application") setstylesheet("font-size: 18px ; color : white ; background-color: black ;") setclickevent("Page1.win1.close()") } aCards = aMyCards aValues = aMyValues layout2 = new qhboxlayout() aBtns = [] for x = 1 to nCardsCount aBtns + new qpushbutton(win1) aBtns[x].setfixedwidth(79*nScale) aBtns[x].setfixedheight(124*nScale) gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],mypic2) layout2.addwidget(aBtns[x]) aBtns[x].setclickevent("Page1.Player1click("+x+")") next layout1.addwidget(label1) layout1.addlayout(layout2) label2 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("Player (2) - Score : " + nPlayer2Score) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter | Qt_AlignVCenter) setstylesheet("color: white; background-color: red; font-size:20pt") setfixedheight(200) } layout3 = new qhboxlayout() aBtns2 = [] for x = 1 to nCardsCount aBtns2 + new qpushbutton(win1) aBtns2[x].setfixedwidth(79*nScale) aBtns2[x].setfixedheight(124*nScale) gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],mypic2) layout3.addwidget(aBtns2[x]) aBtns2[x].setclickevent("Page1.Player2click("+x+")") next layout1.addwidget(label2) layout1.addlayout(layout3) layout1.addwidget(closebtn) win1.setlayout(layout1) app1.exec() Func Player1Click x if nRole = 1 and aStatus[x] = 0 nPos = ((random(100)+clock())%(len(aCards)-1)) + 1 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],aCards[nPos]) del(aCards,nPos) nRole = 2 aStatus[x] = 1 aStatusValues[x] = aValues[nPos] del(aValues,nPos) Player1Eat(x,aStatusValues[x]) checknewgame() ok Func Player2Click x if nRole = 2 and aStatus2[x] = 0 nPos = ((random(100)+clock())%(len(aCards)-1)) + 1 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],aCards[nPos]) del(aCards,nPos) nRole = 1 aStatus2[x] = 1 aStatusValues2[x] = aValues[nPos] del(aValues,nPos) Player2Eat(x,aStatusValues2[x]) checknewgame() ok Func Player1Eat nPos,nValue app1.processEvents() delay(nDelayEat) lEat = false for x = 1 to nCardsCount if aStatus2[x] = 1 and (aStatusValues2[x] = nValue or nValue=5) aStatus2[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],Player1EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer1Score++ ok if (x != nPos) and (aStatus[x] = 1) and (aStatusValues[x] = nValue or nValue=5) aStatus[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],Player1EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer1Score++ ok next if lEat nPlayer1Score++ gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[nPos],Player1EatPic) aStatus[nPos] = 2 label1.settext("Player (1) - Score : " + nPlayer1Score) ok Func Player2Eat nPos,nValue app1.processEvents() delay(nDelayEat) lEat = false for x = 1 to nCardsCount if aStatus[x] = 1 and (aStatusValues[x] = nValue or nValue = 5) aStatus[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],Player2EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer2Score++ ok if (x != nPos) and (aStatus2[x] = 1) and (aStatusValues2[x] = nValue or nValue=5 ) aStatus2[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],Player2EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer2Score++ ok next if lEat nPlayer2Score++ gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[nPos],Player2EatPic) aStatus2[nPos] = 2 label2.settext("Player (2) - Score : " + nPlayer2Score) ok Func checknewgame if isnewgame() lnewgame = true if nPlayer1Score > nPlayer2Score label1.settext("Player (1) Wins!!!") ok if nPlayer2Score > nPlayer1Score label2.settext("Player (2) Wins!!!") ok app1.processEvents() delay(nDelayNewGame) win1.delete() app1.quit() ok Func isnewgame for t in aStatus if t = 0 return false ok next for t in aStatus2 if t = 0 return false ok next return true Func delay x nTime = x * 1000 oTest = new qTest oTest.qsleep(nTime) The application during the runtime .. image:: ringqt_shot48.jpg :alt: The Cards Game .. note:: in the previous screen shot the player get the card number '5' but his score is not increased because he opened this card while no other cards are visible! The next screen shot while running the game using a Mobile (Android) .. image:: ringqt_shot52.jpg :alt: The Cards Game .. note:: using Qt we can run the same application on other Mobile systems .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Classes and their Methods to use the default events Classes and their Methods to use the default events =================================================== The next table present the class name and the methods that we have to use the default events. ============================== =========================================================== Class Name Methods to use the default Events ============================== =========================================================== QPushButton SetClickEvent() QAction SetClickEvent() QLineEdit SetTextChangedEvent() .. SetCursorPositionChangedEvent() .. SetEditingFinishedEvent() .. SetReturnPressedEvent() .. SetSelectionChangedEvent() .. SetTextEditedEvent() QTextEdit SetCopyAvailableEvent() .. SetCurrentCharFormatChangedEvent() .. SetCursorPositionChangedEvent() .. SetRedoAvailableEvent() .. SetSelectionChangedEvent() .. SetTextChangedEvent() .. SetUndoAvailableEvent() QListWidget SetCurrentItemChangedEvent() .. SetCurrentRowChangedEvent() .. SetCurrentTextChangedEvent() .. SetItemActivatedEvent() .. SetItemChangedEvent() .. SetItemClickedEvent() .. SetItemDoubleClickedEvent() .. SetItemEnteredEvent() .. SetItemPressedEvent() .. SetItemSelectionChangedEvent() QTreeView SetCollapseEvent() .. SetExpandedEvent() .. SetActivatedEvent() .. SetClickedEvent() .. SetDoubleClickedEvent() .. SetEnteredEvent() .. SetPressedEvent() .. SetViewportEnteredEvent() QTreeWidget SetCollapsedEvent() .. SetExpandedEvent() .. SetActivatedEvent() .. SetClickedEvent() .. SetDoubleClickedEvent() .. SetEnteredEvent() .. SetPressedEvent() .. SetViewportEnteredEvent() .. SetCurrentItemChangedEvent() .. SetItemActivatedEvent() .. SetItemChangedEvent() .. SetItemClickedEvent() .. SetItemCollapsedEvent() .. SetItemDoubleClickedEvent() .. SetItemEnteredEvent() .. SetItemExpandedEvent() .. SetItemPressedEvent() .. SetItemSelectionChangedEvent() QComboBox SetActivatedEvent() .. SetCurrentIndexChangedEvent() .. SetEditTextChangedEvent() .. SetHighlightedEvent() QTabWidget SetCurrentChangedEvent() .. SetTabCloseRequestedEvent() QTableWidget SetCellActivatedEvent() .. SetCellChangedEvent() .. SetCellClickedEvent() .. SetCellDoubleClickedEvent() .. SetCellEnteredEvent() .. SetCellPressedEvent() .. SetCurrentCellChangedEvent() .. SetCurrentItemChangedEvent() .. SetItemActivatedEvent() .. SetItemChangedEvent() .. SetItemClickedEvent() .. SetItemDoubleClickedEvent() .. SetItemEnteredEvent() .. SetItemPressedEvent() .. SetItemSelectionChangedEvent() QProgressBar SetValueChangedEvent() QSpinBox SetValueChangedEvent() QSlider SetActionTriggeredEvent() .. SetRangeChangedEvent() .. SetSliderMovedEvent() .. SetSliderPressedEvent() .. SetSliderReleasedEvent() .. SetValueChangedEvent() QDial SetActionTriggeredEvent() .. SetRangeChangedEvent() .. SetSliderMovedEvent() .. SetSliderPressedEvent() .. SetSliderReleasedEvent() .. SetValueChangedEvent() QWebView SetLoadFinishedEvent() .. SetLoadProgressEvent() .. SetLoadStartedEvent() .. SetSelectionChangedEvent() .. SetTitleChangedEvent() .. SetUrlChangedEvent() QCheckBox SetStateChangedEvent() .. SetClickedEvent() .. SetPressedEvent() .. SetReleasedEvent() .. SetToggledEvent() QRadioButton SetClickedEvent() .. SetPressedEvent() .. SetReleasedEvent() .. SetToggledEvent() QButtonGroup SetButtonClickedEvent() .. SetButtonPressedEvent() .. SetButtonReleasedEvent() QVideoWidget SetBrightnessChangedEvent() .. SetContrastChangedEvent() .. SetFullScreenChangedEvent() .. SetHueChangedEvent() .. SetSaturationChangedEvent() QTimer SetTimeoutEvent() QTcpServer SetAcceptErrorEvent() .. SetNewConnectionEvent() QIODevice SetAboutToCloseEvent() .. SetBytesWrittenEvent() .. SetReadChannelFinishedEvent() .. SetReadyReadEvent() QAbstractSocket SetConnectedEvent() .. SetDisconnectedEvent() .. SetErrorEvent() .. SetHostFoundEvent() .. SetProxyAuthenticationRequiredEvent() .. SetStateChangedEvent() QTcpSocket SetConnectedEvent() .. SetDisconnectedEvent() .. SetErrorEvent() .. SetHostFoundEvent() .. SetProxyAuthenticationRequiredEvent() .. SetStateChangedEvent() .. SetAboutToCloseEvent() .. SetBytesWrittenEvent() .. SetReadChannelFinishedEvent() .. SetReadyReadEvent() QColorDialog SetColorSelectedEvent() .. SetCurrentColorChangedEvent() QNetworkAccessManager SetFinishedEvent() QThread SetStartedEvent() .. SetFinishedEvent() ============================== =========================================================== .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; Methods to use Events with Events Filter Methods to use Events with Events Filter ======================================== RingQt define a new class called QAllEvents that help you in using Events Filter The next table presents the methods that we have ================================ ====================== Methods to get parameters Class Name ================================ ====================== getKeyCode() --> Number QAllEvents getx() --> Number gety() --> Number getglobalx() --> Number getglobaly() --> Number getbutton() --> Number getbuttons() --> Number ================================ ====================== The next table presents the methods that we have to use events. =================================================== ====================== Method Name Class Name =================================================== ====================== setKeyPressEvent(cEvent) QAllEvents setMouseButtonPressEvent(cEvent) setMouseButtonReleaseEvent(cEvent) setMouseButtonDblClickEvent(cEvent) setMouseMoveEvent(cEvent) setCloseEvent(cEvent) setContextMenuEvent(cEvent) setDragEnterEvent(cEvent) setDragLeaveEvent(cEvent) setDragMoveEvent(cEvent) setDropEvent(cEvent) setEnterEvent(cEvent) setFocusInEvent(cEvent) setFocusOutEvent(cEvent) setKeyReleaseEvent(cEvent) setLeaveEvent(cEvent) setNonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClickEvent(cEvent) setNonClientAreaMouseButtonPressEvent(cEvent) setNonClientAreaMouseButtonReleaseEvent(cEvent) setNonClientAreaMouseMoveEvent(cEvent) setMoveEvent(cEvent) setResizeEvent(cEvent) setWindowActivateEvent(cEvent) setWindowBlockedEvent(cEvent) setWindowDeactivateEvent(cEvent) setWindowStateChangeEvent(cEvent) setWindowUnblockedEvent(cEvent) =================================================== ====================== .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; The Difference between Qt and RingQt The Difference between Qt and RingQt ==================================== (1) RingQt use simple methods to set the code that will be executed for events. Syntax: .. code-block:: none SetEvent(cEventCode) (2) RingQt change the name of some methods to avoid conflict with Ring Keywords. The next table present these little changes =============================== ====================== =================== Class Name Qt Method Name RingQt Method Name =============================== ====================== =================== QWebView load loadpage QMediaPlaylist load loadfile QMediaPlaylist next movenext QPainter end endpaint QPicture load loadfile QLineEdit end endtext QDialog done donedialog QTextDocument end enddoc QTextBlock next nextblock QSqlQuery next movenext QImage load loadimage QNetworkAccessManager get getvalue QNetworkAccessManager put putvalue QThread exit exitfromthread QRegularExpressionMatchIterator next nextitem QCamera load loadcamera =============================== ====================== =================== .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation RingQt Classes and their Qt Documentation ========================================= Qt Documentation : http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/classes.html See the "RingQt Classes and Methods Reference" chapter for supported classes and methods. .. index:: pair: Desktop and Mobile Development; New Classes names - Index Start from 1 New Classes names - Index Start from 1 ====================================== We added new classes to RingQt - another version of classes where the class names doesn't start with the "q" letter Also updated methods so the index start from 1 when we deal with the GUI controls like * ComboBox * ListWidget * TableWidget * TreeWidget These classes are inside guilib.ring under the package name : System.GUI To use it .. code-block:: ring load "guilib.ring" import System.GUI This doesn't have any effect on our previous code, It's just another choice for better code that is consistent with Ring rules. Also the form designer is updated to provide us the choice between using classes where (index start from 0) or (index start from 1) Example (Uses the Form Designer) (1) https://github.com/ring-lang/ring/blob/master/applications/formdesigner/tests/indexstart/indexstartView.ring (2) https://github.com/ring-lang/ring/blob/master/applications/formdesigner/tests/indexstart/indexstartController.ring