.. index:: single: Lists; Introduction ===== Lists ===== In this chapter we are going to learn how to deal with lists. .. index:: pair: Lists; Create Lists Create Lists ============ We can create new lists by defining the list items inside square bracts. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [1,2,3,4,5] Also we can create new lists using the : operator Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = 1:5 aList2 = "a":"z" Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = 5:1 aList2 = "z":"a" Also we can create lists using the list() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring list = list(size) Example .. code-block:: ring aList = list(10) # aList contains 10 items .. note:: the list index start from 1 .. index:: pair: Lists; Add Items Add Items ========= To add new items to the list, we can use the Add() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Add(List,Item) Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = ["one","two"] add(aList,"three") see aList Also we can do that using the + operator. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring List + item Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = 1:10 # create list contains numbers from 1 to 10 aList + 11 # add number 11 to the list see aList # print the list .. index:: pair: Lists; Get List Size Get List Size ============= We can get the list size using the len() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Len(List) Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = 1:20 see len(aList) # print 20 .. index:: pair: Lists; Delete Item From List Delete Item From List ===================== To delete an item from the list, we can use the del() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring del(list,index) Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = ["one","two","other","three"] Del(aList,3) # delete item number three see aList # print one two three .. index:: pair: Lists; Get List Item Get List Item ============= To get an item from the list, we uses the next syntax .. code-block:: ring List[Index] Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = ["Cairo","Riyadh"] see "Egypt : " + aList[1] + nl + "KSA : " + aList[2] + nl .. index:: pair: Lists; Set List Item Set List Item ============= To set the value of an item inside the list, we can use the next syntax .. code-block:: ring List[Index] = Expression Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = list(3) # create list contains three items aList[1] = "one" aList[2] = "two" aList[3] = "three" see aList .. index:: pair: Lists; Search Search ====== To find an item inside the list we can use the find() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Find(List,ItemValue) ---> Item Index Find(List,ItemValue,nColumn) ---> Search in nColumn, returns the Item Index Find(List,ItemValue,nColumn,cAttribute) ---> Item Index Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = ["one","two","three","four","five"] see find(aList,"three") # print 3 Example: .. code-block:: ring mylist = [["one",1], ["two",2], ["three",3]] see find(mylist,"two",1) + nl # print 2 see find(mylist,2,2) + nl # print 2 Also we can use the binarysearch() function to search in sorted list. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring BinarySearch(List,ItemValue) ---> Item Index BinarySearch(List,ItemValue,nColumn) ---> Search in nColumn, returns the Item Index Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = ["one","two","three","four","five"] aList = sort(aList) see binarysearch(aList,"three") Output: .. code-block:: ring five four one three two 4 .. index:: pair: Lists; Sort() Sort ==== We can sort the list using the sort() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Sort(List) ---> Sorted List Sort(List,nColumn) ---> Sorted List based on nColumn Sort(List,nColumn,cAttribute) ---> Sorted List based on Object Attribute Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [10,12,3,5,31,15] aList = sort(aList) see aList # print 3 5 10 12 15 31 We can sort list of strings Example: .. code-block:: ring mylist = ["mahmoud","samir","ahmed","ibrahim","mohammed"] see mylist # print list before sorting mylist = sort(mylist) # sort list see "list after sort"+nl see mylist # print ahmed ibrahim mahmoud mohammed samir We can sort a list based on a specific column. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [ ["mahmoud",15000] , ["ahmed", 14000 ] , ["samir", 16000 ] , ["mohammed", 12000 ] , ["ibrahim",11000 ] ] aList2 = sort(aList,1) see aList2 Output: .. code-block:: ring ahmed 14000 ibrahim 11000 mahmoud 15000 mohammed 12000 samir 16000 .. index:: pair: Lists; Reverse() Reverse ======= We can reverse a list using the reverse() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Reverse(List) ---> Reversed List Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [10,20,30,40,50] aList = reverse(aList) see aList # print 50 40 30 20 10 .. index:: pair: Lists; Insert() Insert Items ============ To insert an item in the list we can use the insert() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Insert(List,Index,Item) The inserted item will be AFTER the Index Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = ["A","B","D","E"] insert(aList,2,"C") # Inserts AFTER Index 2, "C" into Position 3 see aList # print A B C D E .. index:: pair: Lists; Nested Lists Nested Lists ============ The list may contain other lists Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [ 1 , [10,20,30] , 5 , [100,1000,5000] ] aList2 = [ "one","two", [3,4], [20,30], ["three", "four", "five",[100,200,300] ] ] see aList[2] # print 10 20 30 see aList[4][3] + nl # print 5000 see aList2[5][2] + nl # print four see aList2[5][4][3] # print 300 .. index:: pair: Lists; Copy Lists Copy Lists ========== We can copy lists (including nested lists) using the Assignment operator. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [ "one","two", [3,4], [20,30], ["three", "four", "five",[100,200,300] ] ] aList2 = aList # Copy aList to aList2 aList2[5] = "other" # modify item number five see aList2[5] + nl # print other see aList[5] # print three four five 100 200 300 .. index:: pair: Lists; First-Class Lists First-class lists ================= Lists are `first-class citizens `_ where we can store lists in variables, pass lists to functions, and return lists from functions. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = duplicate( [1,2,3,4,5] ) see aList[10] + nl # print 5 see mylist() # print 10 20 30 40 50 func duplicate list nMax = len(list) for x = 1 to nMax list + list[x] next return list func mylist return [10,20,30,40,50] .. index:: pair: Lists; Using Lists during definition Using Lists during definition ============================= We can use the list items while we are defining the list for the first time. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [ [1,2,3,4,5] , aList[1] , aList[1] ] see aList # print 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 .. index:: pair: Lists; Passing Lists to Functions Passing Lists to Functions ========================== Lists are passed to functions by reference, This means that the called function will work on the same list and can modify it. Example: .. code-block:: ring func main aList = [1,2,3,4,5] # create list, local in function main myfunc(aList) # call function, pass list by reference see aList # print 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 func myfunc list list + [6,7,8,9,10] .. index:: pair: Lists; Access List Items by String Index Access List Items by String Index ================================= Instead of using numbers to determine the item index when we get item value or set item value, We can access items using string index if the item is a list contains two items and the first item is a string. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [ ["one",1] , ["two",2] , ["three",3] ] see aList["one"] + nl + aList["two"] + nl + aList["three"] # print 1 2 3 This type of lists can be defined in a better syntax using the : and = operators. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [ :one = 1 , :two = 2 , :three = 3 ] see aList["one"] + nl + aList["two"] + nl + aList["three"] + nl # print 1 2 3 see aList[1] # print one 1 .. tip:: using : before identifier (one word) means literal .. note:: using = inside list definition create a list of two items where the first item is the left side and the second item is the right side. We can add new items to the list using the string index Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [] aList["Egypt"] = "Cairo" aList["KSA"] = "Riyadh" see aList["Egypt"] + nl + # print Cairo aList["KSA"] + nl # print Riyadh .. index:: pair: Lists; Passing Parameters Using List Passing Parameters Using List ============================= This type of lists is very good for passing parameters to functions Where the order of parameters will not be important (we can change the order). Also some parameters maybe optional. Example: .. code-block:: ring myconnect ( [ :server = "myserver.com" , :port = 80 , :username = "mahmoud" , :password = "password" ] ) func myconnect mypara # print connection details see "User Name : " + mypara[:username] + nl + "Password : " + mypara[:password] + nl + "Server : " + mypara[:server] + nl + "Port : " + mypara[:port] .. index:: pair: Lists; Swap Items Swap Items ========== We can swap the list items using the Swap() function. Example: .. code-block:: ring aList = [:one,:two,:four,:three] see aList see copy("*",50) + nl swap(aList,3,4) see aList Output .. code-block:: ring one two four three ************************************************** one two three four