.. index:: single: System Functions; Introduction ================ System Functions ================ In this chapter we are going to learn about the system functions * System() * SysGet() * IsMSDOS() * IsWindows() * IsWindows64() * IsUnix() * IsMacOSX() * IsLinux() * IsFreeBSD() * IsAndroid() * Windowsnl() * Get Command Line Arguments * Get Active Source File Name * CurrentDir() * ExeFileName() * ChDir() * ExeFolder() * Version() * Shutdown() .. index:: pair: System Functions; System() Function System() Function ================= We can execute system commands using the system() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring System(cCommand) Example: .. code-block:: ring System("myapp.exe") # Run myapp.exe System("ls") # print list of files .. index:: pair: System Functions; SysGet() Function SysGet() Function ================= We can get environment variables using the Get() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring SysGet(cVariable) Example: .. code-block:: ring see sysget("path") # print system path information .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsMSDOS() Function IsMSDOS() Function ================== We can check if the operating system is MSDOS or not using the IsMSDOS() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsMSDOS() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is MS-DOS, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsWindows() Function IsWindows() Function ==================== We can check if the operating system is Windows or not using the IsWindows() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsWindows() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is Windows, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsWindows64() Function IsWindows64() Function ====================== We can check if the operating system is Windows 64bit or not using the IsWindows64() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsWindows64() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is Windows64, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsUnix() Function IsUnix() Function ================= We can check if the operating system is Unix or not using the IsUnix() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsUnix() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is Unix, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsMacOSX() Function IsMacOSX() Function =================== We can check if the operating system is macOS or not using the IsMacOSX() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsMacOSX() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is Mac OS X, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsLinux() Function IsLinux() Function ================== We can check if the operating system is Linux or not using the IsLinux() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsLinux() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is Linux, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsFreeBSD() Function IsFreeBSD() Function ==================== We can check if the operating system is FreeBSD or not using the IsFreeBSD() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsFreeBSD() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is FreeBSD, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; IsAndroid() Function IsAndroid() Function ==================== We can check if the operating system is Android or not using the IsAndroid() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring IsAndroid() ---> Returns 1 if the operating system is Android, Returns 0 if it's not .. index:: pair: System Functions; Example Example ======= .. code-block:: ring see "IsMSDOS() --> " + ismsdos() + nl see "IsWindows() --> " + iswindows() + nl see "IsWindows64() --> " + iswindows64() + nl see "IsUnix() --> " + isunix() + nl see "IsMacOSX() --> " + ismacosx() + nl see "IsLinux() --> " + islinux() + nl see "IsFreeBSD() --> " + isfreebsd() + nl see "IsAndroid() --> " + isandroid() + nl Output: .. code-block:: ring IsMSDOS() --> 0 IsWindows() --> 1 IsWindows64() --> 0 IsUnix() --> 0 IsMacOSX() --> 0 IsLinux() --> 0 IsFreeBSD() --> 0 IsAndroid() --> 0 .. index:: pair: System Functions; Windowsnl() Function Windowsnl() Function ==================== We can get the windows new line string using the Windowsnl() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring WindowsNL() ---> Returns a string contains CR+LF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) Example: .. code-block:: ring cStr = read("input.txt") if iswindows() cStr = substr(cStr,windowsnl(),nl) ok aList = str2list(cStr) # to do - list items processing using "for in" cStr = list2str(aList) if iswindows() cStr = substr(cStr,nl,windowsnl()) ok write("ouput.txt",cStr) .. index:: pair: System Functions; Get Command Line Arguments Get Command Line Arguments ========================== We can get the command line arguments passed to the ring script using the sysargv variable. The sysargv variable is a list contains the command line parameters. Example .. code-block:: ring see copy("=",30) + nl see "Command Line Parameters" + nl see "Size : " + len(sysargv) + nl see sysargv see copy("=",30) + nl if len(sysargv) < 4 return ok nStart = sysargv[3] nEnd = sysargv[4] for x = nStart to nEnd see x + nl next Output .. code-block:: ring b:\mahmoud\apps\ring>ring tests\syspara.ring 1 10 ============================== Command Line Parameters Size : 4 ring tests\syspara.ring 1 10 ============================== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. index:: pair: System Functions; Get Active Source File Name Get Active Source File Name =========================== We can get the active source file name (*.ring) using the filename() function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring filename() ---> String contains the active source file name. Example: .. code-block:: ring see "Active Source File Name : " + filename() + nl Output: .. code-block:: ring Active Source File Name : tests\filename.ring Example: .. code-block:: ring if sysargv[2] = filename() see "I'm the main program file!" + nl # we can run tests here! else see "I'm a sub file in a program" + nl ok .. index:: pair: System Functions; PrevFileName() Function PrevFileName() Function ======================= Using the PrevFileName() function we can get the previous active source file name. The previous file would be the file of the caller function, Or the file of the function that we called before calling PrevFileName(). Syntax: .. code-block:: ring prevfilename() ---> String contains the previous source file name. Example: The next function in stdlib.ring uses the PrevFileName() to know if the file of the caller function is the main source file of the program or not. .. code-block:: ring Func IsMainSourceFile if PrevFileName() = sysargv[2] return true ok return false .. index:: pair: System Functions; CurrentDir() Function CurrentDir() Function ===================== Return the path of the current directory Syntax: .. code-block:: ring CurrenDir() ---> String contains the path of the currect directory .. index:: pair: System Functions; ExeFileName() Function ExeFileName() Function ====================== Return the Ring executable file name Syntax: .. code-block:: ring exefilename() ---> String contains the Ring executable file name .. index:: pair: System Functions; ChDir() Function ChDir() Function ================ Change the current directory Syntax: .. code-block:: ring ChDir(cNewPath) .. index:: pair: System Functions; ExeFolder() Function ExeFolder() Function ==================== Return the Ring executable file path Syntax: .. code-block:: ring exefolder() ---> String contains the Ring executable path .. index:: pair: System Functions; Version() Function Version() Function ================== Return the Ring version Syntax: .. code-block:: ring version() ---> String contains the Ring version Output: .. code-block:: ring 1.7 .. index:: pair: System Functions; Shutdown() Function Shutdown() Function =================== Close the application Syntax: .. code-block:: ring shutdown(nStatus) ---> Close the application