.. index:: single: Low Level Functions; Introduction =================== Low Level Functions =================== In this chapter we will learn about the low level functions provided by Ring * callgc() * varptr() * space() * nullpointer() * object2pointer() * pointer2object() * ptrcmp() * ringvm_cfunctionslist() * ringvm_functionslist() * ringvm_classeslist() * ringvm_packageslist() * ringvm_memorylist() * ringvm_calllist() * ringvm_fileslist() * ringvm_settrace() * ringvm_tracedata() * ringvm_traceevent() * ringvm_tracefunc() * ringvm_scopescount() * ringvm_evalinscope() * ringvm_passerror() * ringvm_hideerrorMsg() * ringvm_callfunc() * ringvm_see() * ringvm_give() .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; callgc() callgc() function ================= Use this function to force calling the garbage collector during function execution when you use a loop that create temp. variables that you don't free using the assignment operation. It's very rare to need this function but it's useful when you create something like event-loop for your game engine and start creating lists on the fly when you call functions. Example .. code-block:: ring While True # process events # call functions using temp. lists like myfunc(["temp list"]) # call the garbage collector callgc() End .. tip:: In Ring the garbage collector works automatically in the end of function execution or when you use the assignment statement. .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; varptr() varptr() function ================= Use the varptr() function when you need to pass a pointer to a C/C++ function. Syntax: varptr(cVariableName,cPointerType) ---> Low Level Object (C Pointer) example: .. code-block:: ring r = 10 z = 20 see r + nl see varptr("r","int") see varptr("z","int") Output: .. code-block:: ring 10 00E3C740 int 2 00E3BEC0 int 2 .. note:: the low level object is a list contains three items (The Pointer, The Type, The Status) .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; space() space() function ================ Use the space function to allocate a specific number of bytes in Memory. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring Space(nBytesCount) ---> String Example: .. code-block:: ring mystring = space(200) See "String Size : " + len(mystring) + nl See "String : " + mystring + nl See "String Pointer : " See varptr("mystring","char *") Output: .. code-block:: ring String Size : 200 String : String Pointer : 00FF8FE8 char * 2 .. note:: You may need the space() and VarPtr() functions to pass buffers to C functions. .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; nullpointer() nullpointer() function ====================== You may need to pass the NULL pointer to a C function that may expect a pointer as parameter and accept NULL pointers for optional parameters. Example: The next example uses the SDL_BlitSurface() function from the LibSDL Library through RingSDL The function accept SDL_Rect pointers in the second and the last parameter. Also the function accept NULL pointers, so we can pass them using the NULLPointer() Function. .. code-block:: ring SDL_BlitSurface(text, nullpointer(), surface, nullpointer()) .. note:: The previous code doesn't work alone, you need to learn how to use RingSDL first. .. tip:: We can pass NULL as parameter instead of using NULLPointer() .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; object2pointer() object2pointer() function ========================= Use this function to get a C pointer for Ring lists and objects Syntax: .. code-block:: ring object2pointer(List|Object) --> Low Level Object ( C Pointer ) .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; pointer2object() pointer2object() function ========================= Use this function to get the Ring list and/or object from the low level object (C Pointer) Syntax: .. code-block:: ring pointer2object(Low Level Object) ---> List|Object Example: .. code-block:: ring # Create the list mylist = 1:5 # Create pointer to the list x = object2pointer(mylist) see x see nl # Add items to the list mylist + "welcome" # print the list items y = pointer2object(x) see y Output: .. code-block:: ring 0069A5D8 OBJECTPOINTER 0 1 2 3 4 5 welcome .. note:: In Ring the assignment operator copy lists and objects by value, to copy by reference Just use the object2pointer() and pointer2object() functions. .. tip:: The object2pointer() and pointer2object() are used in the stdlib - Tree Class implementation to create a reference for the parent node (object) in the child node (another object). .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ptrcmp() ptrcmp() function ================================ We can compare between two pointers (C Objects) using the ptrcmp() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring ptrcmp(oObject1,oObject2) ---> value = 1 if oObject1 = oObject2 value = 0 if oObject1 != oObject2 Example: .. code-block:: ring fp = fopen("ptrcmp.ring","r") fp2 = fp fp3 = fopen("ptrcmp.ring","r") see ptrcmp(fp,fp2) + nl see ptrcmp(fp,fp3) + nl fclose(fp) fclose(fp3) Output: .. code-block:: ring 1 0 .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_CFunctionsList() ringvm_cfunctionslist() function ================================ The Function return a list of functions written in C. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_CFunctionsList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring See RingVM_CFunctionsList() .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_FunctionsList() ringvm_functionslist() function =============================== The Function return a list of functions written in Ring. Each List Member is a list contains the next items * Function Name * Program Counter (PC) - Function Position in Byte Code. * Source Code File Name * Private Flag (For Private Methods in Classes) Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_FunctionsList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring test() func test see ringvm_functionslist() Output: .. code-block:: ring test 8 B:/ring/tests/scripts/functionslist.ring 0 .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_ClassesList() ringvm_classeslist() function ============================= The Function return a list of Classes. Each List Member is a list contains the next items * Class Name * Program Counter (PC) - Class Position in Byte Code. * Parent Class Name * Methods List * Flag (Is parent class information collected) * Pointer to the package (or NULL if no package is used) Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_ClassesList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring see ringvm_classeslist() class class1 func f1 class class2 from class1 class class3 from class1 Output: .. code-block:: ring class1 9 f1 13 B:/ring/tests/scripts/classeslist.ring 0 0 00000000 class2 16 class1 0 00000000 class3 20 class1 0 00000000 .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_PackagesList() ringvm_packageslist() function ============================== The Function return a list of Packages. Each List Member is a list contains the next items * Package Name * Classes List Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_PackagesList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring see ringvm_packageslist() package package1 class class1 package package2 class class1 package package3 class class1 Output: .. code-block:: ring package1 class1 11 0 00FEF838 package2 class1 17 0 00FEF978 package3 class1 23 0 00FEFF68 .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_MemoryList() ringvm_memorylist() function ============================ The Function return a list of Memory Scopes and Variables. Each List Member is a list contains variables in a different scope. Each Item in the scope list is a list contains the next items * Variable Name * Variable Type * Variable Value * Pointer Type (List/Item) if the value is a list * Private Flag (if the variable is an attribute in a Class) Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_MemoryList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring x = 10 test() func test y = 20 see ringvm_memorylist() Output: .. code-block:: ring true 2 1 0 0 false 2 0 0 0 nl 1 0 0 null 1 0 0 ring_gettemp_var 4 00000000 0 0 ccatcherror 1 NULL 0 0 ring_settemp_var 4 00000000 0 0 ring_tempflag_var 2 0 0 0 stdin 3 50512DB8 file 0 0 0 stdout 3 50512DD8 file 0 0 0 stderr 3 50512DF8 file 0 0 0 this 4 00000000 0 0 sysargv 3 B:\ring\bin/ring B:/ring/tests/scripts/memorylist.ring 0 0 x 2 10 0 0 y 2 20 0 0 .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_CallList() ringvm_calllist() function ========================== The Function return a list of the functions call list. Each List Member is a list contains the next items * Function Type * Function Name * Program Counter (PC) * Stack Pointer (SP) * Temp. Memory List * Method or Function Flag * Caller PC * FuncExec Flag * ListStart Flag * Nested Lists Pointer * State List Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_CallList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring hello() func hello test() func test mylist = ringvm_calllist() for t in mylist see t[2] + nl next Output: .. code-block:: ring function hello() in file B:/ring/tests/scripts/calllist.ring called from line 1 function test() in file B:/ring/tests/scripts/calllist.ring called from line 3 ringvm_calllist .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; RingVM_FilesList() ringvm_fileslist() function =========================== Function return a list of the Ring Files. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_FilesList() ---> List Example: .. code-block:: ring load "stdlib.ring" see ringvm_fileslist() Output: .. code-block:: ring B:/ring/tests/scripts/fileslist.ring B:\ring\bin\stdlib.ring eval stdlib.ring stdlib.rh stdclasses.ring stdfunctions.ring stdbase.ring stdstring.ring stdlist.ring stdstack.ring stdqueue.ring stdmath.ring stddatetime.ring stdfile.ring stdsystem.ring stddebug.ring stddatatype.ring stdconversion.ring stdodbc.ring stdmysql.ring stdsecurity.ring stdinternet.ring stdhashtable.ring stdtree.ring .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_settrace() ringvm_settrace() ================= The function ringvm_settrace() determine the Trace function name The trace function is a Ring function that will be called for each event Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_SetTrace(cCode) .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_tracedata() ringvm_tracedata() ================== Inside the function that we will use for tracing events We can use the ringvm_tracedata() function to get the event data. The event data is a list contains the next items * The Source Code Line Number * The Source File Name * The Function/Method Name * Method or Function (Bool : True=Method, False=Function/File) Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_TraceData() ---> aDataList .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_traceevent() ringvm_traceevent() =================== Inside the function that we will use for tracing events We can use ringvm_traceevent() to know the event type * New Line * Before Function * After Function * Runtime Error * Before C Function * After C Function Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_TraceEvent() ---> nTraceEvent .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_tracefunc() ringvm_tracefunc() ================== The function return the name of the function that we are using for tracing events. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_TraceEvent() ---> cCode .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_scopescount() ringvm_scopescount() ==================== We can use the RingVM_ScopesCount() function to know the number of scopes used in the application. In the start of the program, We have the (global scope only) When we call a function, A new scope is created. When the function execution is done, the function scope is deleted. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_ScopesCount() ---> nScopes .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_evalinscope() ringvm_evalinscope() ==================== The function ringvm_evalinscope() is similar to the eval() function Unlike eval() which execute the code in the current scope Using RingVM_EvalInScope() we can execute the scope in a specific scope. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_EvalInScope(nScope,cCode) .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_passerror() ringvm_passerror() ================== When we have runtime error, After printing the Error message, Ring will end the execution of the program. Using ringvm_passerror() we can avoid that, and continue the execution of our program. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_PassError() .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_hideerrorMsg() ringvm_hideerrormsg() ===================== We can disable/enable displaying the runtime error messages using the RingVM_HideErrorMsg() function. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_HideErrorMsg(lStatus) .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_callfunc() ringvm_callfunc() ================= We can call a function from a string without using eval() using the ringvm_callfunc() Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RingVM_CallFunc(cFuncName) .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; Example - Using the Trace Functions Example - Using the Trace Functions =================================== The next example use the Trace Functions to trace the program Events! In practical, We will use the Trace Library instead of these low level functions! .. code-block:: ring load "tracelib.ring" ringvm_settrace("mytrace()") see "Hello, world!" + nl see "Welcome" + nl see "How are you?" +nl mytest() new myclass { mymethod() } func mytest see "Message from mytest" + nl func mytrace see "====== The Trace function is Active ======" + nl + "Trace Function Name : " + ringvm_TraceFunc() + nl + "Trace Event : " switch ringvm_TraceEvent() on TRACEEVENT_NEWLINE see "New Line" on TRACEEVENT_NEWFUNC see "New Function" on TRACEEVENT_RETURN see "Return" on TRACEEVENT_ERROR see "Error" on TRACEEVENT_BEFORECFUNC see "Before C Function" on TRACEEVENT_AFTERCFUNC see "After C Function" off see nl + "Line Number : " + ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_LINENUMBER] + nl + "File Name : " + ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME] + nl + "Function Name : " + ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME] + nl + "Method or Function : " if ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC] = TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC_METHOD see "Method" else if ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME] = NULL see "Command" else see "Function" ok ok see nl + Copy("=",42) + nl class myclass func mymethod see "Message from mymethod" + nl Output: .. code-block:: none ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : After C Function Line Number : 3 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ringvm_settrace Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 5 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== Hello, world! ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 6 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== Welcome ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 7 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== How are you? ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 8 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Function Line Number : 8 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : mytest Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 12 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : mytest Method or Function : Function ========================================== Message from mytest ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 14 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : mytest Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : Return Line Number : 8 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 43 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : Before C Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ismethod Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : After C Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ismethod Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : mymethod Method or Function : Method ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 44 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : mymethod Method or Function : Method ========================================== Message from mymethod ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : Return Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : Before C Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ismethod Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : After C Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ismethod Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : Before C Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ismethod Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : After C Function Line Number : 9 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : ismethod Method or Function : Function ========================================== ====== The Trace function is Active ====== Trace Function Name : mytrace() Trace Event : New Line Line Number : 11 File Name : test1.ring Function Name : Method or Function : Command ========================================== .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; Example - The Trace Library Example - The Trace Library =========================== The next example uses the Trace functions provided by the Ring language to create the Trace library. Using the Trace library we have nice Tracing tools and Interaction debugger too. .. code-block:: ring # Trace Events TRACEEVENT_NEWLINE = 1 TRACEEVENT_NEWFUNC = 2 TRACEEVENT_RETURN = 3 TRACEEVENT_ERROR = 4 TRACEEVENT_BEFORECFUNC = 5 TRACEEVENT_AFTERCFUNC = 6 # Trace Data TRACEDATA_LINENUMBER = 1 TRACEDATA_FILENAME = 2 TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME = 3 TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC = 4 # Method of Function TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC_METHOD = TRUE TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC_NOTMETHOD = FALSE TRACE_BREAKPOINTS = TRUE TRACE_TEMPLIST = [] func Trace cType switch trim(lower(cType)) on :AllEvents ringvm_settrace("TraceLib_AllEvents()") on :Functions ringvm_settrace("TraceLib_Functions()") on :PassError ringvm_settrace("TraceLib_PassError()") on :Debugger ringvm_settrace("TraceLib_Debugger()") on :LineByLine ringvm_settrace("TraceLib_LineByLine()") off func TraceLib_AllEvents if right(ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME],13) = "tracelib.ring" return ok see "====== The Trace function is Active ======" + nl + "Trace Function Name : " + ringvm_TraceFunc() + nl + "Trace Event : " switch ringvm_TraceEvent() on TRACEEVENT_NEWLINE see "New Line" on TRACEEVENT_NEWFUNC see "New Function" on TRACEEVENT_RETURN see "Return" on TRACEEVENT_ERROR see "Error" on TRACEEVENT_BEFORECFUNC see "Before C Function" on TRACEEVENT_AFTERCFUNC see "After C Function" off see nl + "Line Number : " + ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_LINENUMBER] + nl + "File Name : " + ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME] + nl + "Function Name : " + ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME] + nl + "Method or Function : " if ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC] = TRACEDATA_METHODORFUNC_METHOD see "Method" else if ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME] = NULL see "Command" else see "Function" ok ok see nl + Copy("=",42) + nl func TraceLib_Functions if right(ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME],13) = "tracelib.ring" return ok switch ringvm_TraceEvent() on TRACEEVENT_NEWFUNC see "Open Func : " + ringvm_TraceData()[TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME] + nl on TRACEEVENT_RETURN see "Return to Func : " + ringvm_TraceData()[TRACEDATA_FUNCNAME] + nl off func TraceLib_PassError if right(ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME],13) = "tracelib.ring" return ok switch ringvm_TraceEvent() on TRACEEVENT_ERROR see nl see "TraceLib : After Error !" + nl ringvm_passerror() off func TraceLib_Debugger if right(ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME],13) = "tracelib.ring" return ok switch ringvm_TraceEvent() on TRACEEVENT_ERROR _BreakPoint() off func TraceLib_LineByLine if right(ringvm_tracedata()[TRACEDATA_FILENAME],13) = "tracelib.ring" or ringvm_TraceEvent() != TRACEEVENT_NEWLINE return ok aList = ringvm_tracedata() see "Before Line : " + aList[TRACEDATA_LINENUMBER] + nl _BreakPoint() func BreakPoint if not TRACE_BREAKPOINTS return ok _BreakPoint() func _BreakPoint see nl+nl+Copy("=",60) + nl + Copy(" ",20)+"Interactive Debugger" + nl + Copy("=",60) + nl + "Command (Exit) : End Program" + nl + "Command (Cont) : Continue Execution" + nl + "Command (Locals) : Print local variables names" + nl + "Command (LocalsData) : Print local variables data" + nl + "Command (Globals) : Print global variables names" + nl + "We can execute Ring code" + nl + Copy("=",60) + nl while true see nl + "code:> " give cCode cmd = trim(lower(cCode)) if cmd = "exit" or cmd = "bye" shutdown() ok nScope = ringvm_scopescount()-2 switch cmd on "locals" ringvm_EvalInScope(nScope,"see locals() callgc()") loop on "localsdata" PrintLocalsData(nScope) loop on "globals" ringvm_EvalInScope(nScope,"see globals() callgc()") loop on "cont" ringvm_passerror() exit off Try ringvm_EvalInScope(nScope,cCode) catch see cCatchError done end func NoBreakPoints TRACE_BREAKPOINTS = FALSE func PrintLocalsData nScope if nScope = 1 # Global ringvm_Evalinscope(nScope,'TRACE_TEMPLIST = globals()') else ringvm_Evalinscope(nScope,'TRACE_TEMPLIST = locals() callgc()') ok see nl aTempList = TRACE_TEMPLIST TRACE_TEMPLIST = [] nSpaces = 5 for TRACE_ITEM in aTempList if len(TRACE_ITEM) + 5 > nSpaces nSpaces = len(TRACE_ITEM) + 5 ok next for TRACE_ITEM in aTempList see "Variable : " + TRACE_ITEM cVarName = TRACE_ITEM see copy(" ",nSpaces-len(cVarName)) + " Type : " ringvm_Evalinscope(nScope,"see type(" + TRACE_ITEM +")") ringvm_Evalinscope(nScope,"see Copy(' ',fabs(15-len(type(" + TRACE_ITEM +"))))") see " Value : " ringvm_Evalinscope(nScope,"see " + TRACE_ITEM) see nl next .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_see() function ringvm_see() function ===================== Using the ringvm_see() function we can redefine the behavior of the See command Also we can use ring_see() to have the original behavior Example: .. code-block:: ring see "Hello world" + nl see 123 + nl see ["one","two","three"] see new point {x=10 y=20 z=30} func ringvm_see t ring_see("We want to print: ") ring_See(t) class point x y z Output: .. code-block:: none We want to print: Hello world We want to print: 123 We want to print: one two three We want to print: x: 10.000000 y: 20.000000 z: 30.000000 .. index:: pair: Low Level Functions; ringvm_give() function ringvm_give() function ====================== Using the ringvm_give() function we can redefine the behavior of the Give command Example: .. code-block:: ring see "Name: " give name see "Hello " + name func ringvm_give see "Mahmoud" + nl return "Mahmoud" Output: .. code-block:: ring Name: Mahmoud Hello Mahmoud