.. index:: single: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Introduction ======================== What is new in Ring 1.9? ======================== In this chapter we will learn about the changes and new features in Ring 1.9 release. .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; List of changes and new features List of changes and new features ================================ Ring 1.9 comes with the next features! * New Game : Gold Magic 800 * More Games * Better Ring Notepad * Better StdLib * BigNumber Library * RingPostgreSQL Extension * Deploying Web applications in the Cloud * Better RingQt * Better Memory Management * Better Code Generator for Extensions * More Improvements .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; New Game : Gold Magic 800 New Game : Gold Magic 800 ========================= The Gold Magic 800 is a new puzzle game. Ring 1.9 comes with the Demo Version (18 Levels) and the game source code. Steam Page (44 Levels) : https://store.steampowered.com/app/939200/Gold_Magic_800/ We can select the level .. image:: gmshot2.png :alt: Gold Magic 800 - Screen Shot 2 The next screen shot for level (1) .. image:: gmshot3.png :alt: Gold Magic 800 - Screen Shot 3 The Gold Magic 800 Level Editor .. image:: gmleveleditor.png :alt: Gold Magic 800 Level Editor .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; More Games More Games ========== The next games are added to Ring Applications (1) The 2048 Game (2) The Memory Game (3) The Wise Quadrat Game (4) The Tessera Game (5) The Othello Game The next screen shot for the 2048 game on Android .. image:: game2048_shot1.png :alt: 2048 Game The next screen shot for the Tessera game .. image:: tesseragame.png :alt: Tessera Game The next screen shot for the Othello game .. image:: othellogame.png :alt: Othello Game .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Better Ring Notepad Better Ring Notepad =================== (1) New Style (2) New Mode (3) Tabs for opened files (4) Support executing batch files .. image:: rnote19.jpg :alt: Ring Notepad .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Better StdLib Better StdLib ============= (1) The List2Code() function is added to the StdLib This function covert a Ring list during the runtime to Ring source code that we can save to source files. The list may contains strings, numbers or sub lists. Example: .. code-block:: ring load "stdlibcore.ring" aList = 1:10 ? list2Code(aList) Output: .. code-block:: ring [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ] (2) The Str2ASCIIList() and ASCIIList2Str() are added to the StdLib Using these functions we can convert between string of bytes and a list of numbers where each item represent the ASCII code of one byte in the string. So we may convert a string of bytes to ASCII List then do some operations on the list numbers (Like XOR) Example: .. code-block:: ring load "stdlibcore.ring" cStr = "MmMm" aList = Str2ASCIILIST(cStr) ? aList cStr2 = ASCIIList2Str(aList) ? cStr2 ? len(cStr2) Output: .. code-block:: none 77 109 77 109 MmMm 4 .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; BigNumber Library BigNumber Library ================= Using the BigNumber library we can do arithmetic operations on huge numbers. Example: .. code-block:: ring load "bignumber.ring" num1 = "62345678901234567891678345123456789" ### Big num2 = "1237894567890123419871236545" ### Small num3 = "64" ### Divide Small num4 = "765432" num5 = "3" ### Power ? "Add big numbers:" a1 = new BigNumber(num1) a1.Print() a2 = new BigNumber(num2) a2.Print() a3 = a1 + a2 a3.Print() ? nl ? "Substract big numbers:" a1 = new BigNumber(num1) a1.Print() a2 = new BigNumber(num2) a2.Print() a3 = a1 - a2 a3.Print() ? nl ? "Multiply big numbers:" a1 = new BigNumber(num1) a1.print() a2 = new BigNumber(num2) a2.print() a3 = a1 * a2 a3.print() ? nl ? "Divide big numbers:" a1 = new BigNumber(num1) a1.print() a2 = new BigNumber(num2) a2.print() a3 = a1 / a2 a3.print() ? nl ? "Divide big numbers: by very small number" a1 = new BigNumber(num1) a1.print() a2 = new BigNumber(num3) a2.print() a3 = a1 / a2 a3.print() ? nl ? "Power of big number:" a1 = new BigNumber(num1) a1.print() a2 = new BigNumber(num5) a2.print() a3 = a1 ^ a2 a3.print() ? nl Output: .. code-block:: none Add big numbers: 62345678901234567891678345123456789 1237894567890123419871236545 62345680139129135781801764994693334 Substract big numbers: 62345678901234567891678345123456789 1237894567890123419871236545 52345687663340000001554925252220244 Multiply big numbers: 62345678901234567891678345123456789 1237894567890123419871236545 77177377243260150103462178714197454736432472780119682305154005 Divide big numbers: 62345678901234567891678345123456789 1237894567890123419871236545 50364288 Divide big numbers: by very small number 62345678901234567891678345123456789 64 974151232831790123307474142554012 Power of big number: 62345678901234567891678345123456789 3 242336636261471172092347146031727004 (Output continue in next line) 371698195628343934238988256152289508 (Output continue in next line) 493964611043228971692389860897069 For more information check the BigNumber Library Chapter in the documentation .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; RingPostgreSQL Extension RingPostgreSQL Extension ======================== Ring 1.9 provide native support for PostgreSQL database using the RingPostgreSQL Extension. Example: .. code-block:: ring load "postgresqllib.ring" conninfo = "user=postgres password=sa dbname = mahdb" exit_nicely = func conn { PQfinish(conn) shutdown(1) } conn = PQconnectdb(conninfo) if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) fputs(stderr, "Connection to database failed: "+PQerrorMessage(conn)) call exit_nicely(conn) ok res = PQexec(conn, " DROP DATABASE mahdb; ") if PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK fputs(stderr, "Remove failed: " + PQerrorMessage(conn)) PQclear(res) ok PQclear(res) res = PQexec(conn, "CREATE DATABASE mahdb;") if PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK fputs(stderr, "Create database failed: " + PQerrorMessage(conn)) PQclear(res) ok res = PQexec(conn, " CREATE TABLE COMPANY ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, NAME TEXT NOT NULL, AGE INT NOT NULL, ADDRESS CHAR(50), SALARY REAL ); ") if PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK fputs(stderr, "Create Table failed: " + PQerrorMessage(conn)) PQclear(res) ok PQclear(res) res = PQexec(conn, " INSERT INTO COMPANY (ID,NAME,AGE,ADDRESS,SALARY) VALUES (1, 'Mahmoud' , 31, 'Jeddah', 10.00 ), (2, 'Ahmed' , 27, 'Jeddah', 20.00 ), (3, 'Mohammed', 33, 'Egypt' , 30.00 ), (4, 'Ibrahim' , 24, 'Egypt ', 40.00 ); ") if PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK fputs(stderr, "Insert Table failed: " + PQerrorMessage(conn)) PQclear(res) ok PQclear(res) res = PQexec(conn, " select * from COMPANY ") if PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK fputs(stderr, "Select failed: " + PQerrorMessage(conn)) PQclear(res) call exit_nicely(conn) ok nFields = PQnfields(res) for i = 1 to nFields ? PQfname(res, i-1) next ? copy("*",60) for i = 1 to PQntuples(res) for j=1 to nFields see PQgetvalue(res, i-1, j-1) + " " next see nl next PQclear(res) PQfinish(conn) Output: .. code-block:: none id name age address salary ************************************************************ 1 Mahmoud 31 Jeddah 10 2 Ahmed 27 Jeddah 20 3 Mohammed 31 Egypt 30 4 Ibrahim 24 Egypt 40 For more information check the PostgreSQL Chapter in the documentation .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Deploying Web applications in the Cloud Deploying Web applications in the Cloud ======================================= We created a new project and tutorial to explain how to deploy Ring web applications in the Cloud using Heroku Demo : http://testring.herokuapp.com/ Project : https://github.com/ring-lang/RingWebAppOnHeroku Heroku Website : https://www.heroku.com/ .. image:: ringincloud.png :alt: Ring Web Application in the Cloud For more information check the Deploying Web Applications In The Cloud chapter in the documentation. .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Better RingQt Better RingQt ============= (1) The next classes are added to RingQt * QDrag * QMimeData * QDropEvent * QDragMoveEvent * QDragEnterEvent * QDragLeaveEvent * QClipboard * QChildEvent * QGeoPositionInfo * QGeoCoordinate * QGeoAddress * QGeoAreaMonitorInfo * QGeoAreaMonitorSource * QGeoCircle * QGeoPositionInfoSource * QGeoRectangle * QGeoShape * QGeoSatelliteInfo * QGeoSatelliteInfoSource * QNmeaPositionInfoSource * QAxWidget * QTextStream * QPrinterInfo * QPrintPreviewWidget * QPrintPreviewDialog * QPageSetupDialog * QAbstractPrintDialog * QPrintDialog (2) The next classes are updated * QAllEvents Class : New Events (ChildAdded, ChildPolished, ChildRemoved). * QPainter Class : Updated Methods (drawConvexPloygon, drawPoints, drawPolyline) Accept Ring list of points. * QVariant : More versions that accept different parameters when creating the object. * QAxBase : Different versions for the dynamicCall() and querySubObject() methods. The next example for using the QPrintPreviewDialog class Example: .. code-block:: ring load "guilib.ring" new qApp { win1 = new qwidget() { setwindowtitle("Printer Preview Dialog") setgeometry(100,100,800,880) printer1 = new qPrinter(0) show() oPreview = new qPrintPreviewDialog(printer1) { setParent(win1) move(10,10) setPaintrequestedevent("printPreview()") exec() } } exec() } func printPreview printer1 { painter = new qpainter() { begin(printer1) myfont = new qfont("Times",50,-1,0) setfont(myfont) drawtext(100,100,"Test - Page (1)") printer1.newpage() drawtext(100,100,"Test - Page (2)") printer1.newpage() myfont2 = new qfont("Times",14,-1,0) setfont(myfont2) for x = 1 to 30 drawtext(100,100+(20*x),"Number : " + x) next endpaint() } } Screen Shot: .. image:: printpreviewdialog.png :alt: Print Preview Dialog .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Better Memory Management Better Memory Management ======================== The Ring API is updated to include RING_API_RETMANAGEDCPOINTER() Using RING_API_RETMANAGEDCPOINTER() the Ring extensions written in C/C++ languages can return a managed pointer to Ring. This pointer can be controlled by the Ring VM using reference counting. This is important to avoid the need to write code that free the unmanaged resources like QPixMap objects in RingQt. Also the Code Generator for extensions is updated to automatically use RING_API_RETMANAGEDCPOINTER() based on need. Syntax: .. code-block:: ring RING_API_RETMANAGEDCPOINTER(void *pValue,const char *cPointerType, void (* pFreeFunc)(void *,void *)) For more information about RING_API_RETMANAGEDCPOINTER() See the "Extension using the C/C++ languages" Chapter in the documentation .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; Better Code Generator for Extensions Better Code Generator for Extensions ==================================== (1) The code generator for extensions is updated to support the command .. code-block:: ring filename.cf This is useful to separate the extension configuraition file to many files Example: The file : qt_module_network.cf in the RingQt Extension .. code-block:: ring Module (network) qabstractsocket.cf qnetworkproxy.cf qtcpsocket.cf qtcpserver.cf qhostaddress.cf qhostinfo.cf qnetworkrequest.cf qnetworkaccessmanager.cf qnetworkreply.cf (2) The code generator support the option when defining classes. Using this option, the generator will use RING_API_RETMANAGEDCPOINTER() to return the C pointer. So the Garabage Collector will manage these C pointers. Example .. code-block:: ring name: QFont para: QString, int, int, bool managed .. index:: pair: What is new in Ring 1.9?; More Improvements More Improvements ================= (1) Ring Compiler - The Rule (Factor -> '-' Expr) changed to (Factor -> '-' Factor). (2) Ring VM - Better Error Message. (3) Better code for IsNULL() function - updated to check pointers too. (4) Better code for ringvm_evalinscope() function - used by the Trace Library. (5) Better code for Space() function. (6) Better code for Hex() and Dec() functions. (7) Better code for Download() function. (8) Better code for SubStr() function. (9) Better code for the Unsigned() function. (10) Better code for Chdir() function. (11) Better code for Tempname() function. (12) Better code for HashTable - New Key (using ring_strdup() instead of strdup() function). (13) New Function : SRandom() - Initialize random number generator. (14) New Function : IsPointer(). (15) IsList() will not return True for C Pointers, we have now the IsPointer() function. (16) The ? Operator is updated to respect the ringvm_see() function. (17) Scripts to run Ring tests on Linux and macOS (Not only Windows). (18) RingAllegro is Updated from Allegro 5.1 to Allegro 5.2. (19) Shader Functions are added to RingAllegro. (20) Joystick Functions are added to RingAllegro. (21) Network functions are added to RingLibSDL. (22) Game Engine for 2D Games - Text Class - Check the font object before usage. (23) Game Engine for 2D Games - Automatic support for Joystick. (24) RingLibCurl is updated to automatically use CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS when needed. (25) Ring Notepad - Find Previous Feature. (26) Ring Notepad - Default Style. (27) Ring Notepad - Support using Non-English language (Like Arabic) in file names. (28) Form Designer - Nice Aliginment for Toolbox Icons. (29) Form Desginer - QAllEvents Class - Mouse Double Click Event. (30) Find in Files - Replace and Replace All options. (31) Qt Class Converter is updated for better conversion results. (32) More samples are added to ring/samples/other folder. (33) Code Refactoring for Ring Notepad, RingQt, Game Engine for 2D Games. (34) Better Documentation - Many images are updated to reflect the current state of Ring Environment. (35) Better Documentation - More chapters are added to the documentation.