Welcome to Ring’s documentation!¶
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Variables
- Operators
- Control Structures
- Getting Input
- Functions
- Lists
- Strings
- String Literals
- Get String Length
- Convert Letters Case
- Access String Letters
- Left() Function
- Right() Function
- Trim() Function
- Copy() Function
- Lines() Function
- Substr() Function
- Find substring
- Get substring from position to end
- Get Number of Characters From Position
- Transform Substring To Another Substring
- strcmp() Function
- str2list() and list2str() Functions
- Date and Time
- Check Data Type and Conversion
- Check Data Type
- IsString() Function
- IsNumber() Function
- IsList() Function
- Type() Function
- IsNULL() Function
- Check Character
- IsAlNum() Function
- IsAlpha() Function
- IsCntrl() Function
- IsDigit() Function
- IsGraph() Function
- IsLower() Function
- IsPrint() Function
- IsPunct() Function
- IsSpace() Function
- IsUpper() Function
- IsXdigit() Function
- Conversion
- Number() Function
- String() Function
- Ascii() Function
- Char() Function
- Hex() Function
- Dec() Function
- Str2hex() Function
- Hex2str() Function
- Mathematical Functions
- Files
- Read() Function
- Write() Function
- Dir() Function
- Rename() Function
- Remove() Function
- Fopen() Function
- Fclose() Function
- Fflush() Function
- Freopen() Function
- Tempfile() Function
- Tempname() Function
- Fseek() Function
- Ftell() Function
- Rewind() Function
- Fgetpos() Function
- Fsetpos() Function
- Clearerr() Function
- Feof() Function
- Ferror() Function
- Perror() Function
- Fgetc() Function
- Fgets() Function
- Fputc() Function
- Fputs() Function
- Ungetc() Function
- Fread() Function
- Fwrite() Function
- Fexists() Function
- Example
- System Functions
- Eval() and Debugging
- Demo Programs
- ODBC Functions
- odbc_init() Function
- odbc_drivers() Function
- odbc_datasources() Function
- odbc_close() Function
- Print List of ODBC Drivers
- Print List of ODBC Data Sources
- odbc_connect() Function
- odbc_disconnect() Function
- Open and Close Connection
- odbc_execute() Function
- odbc_colcount() Function
- odbc_fetch() Function
- odbc_getdata() Function
- Execute Query and Print Result
- odbc_tables() Function
- odbc_columns() Function
- odbc_autocommit() Function
- odbc_commit() Function
- odbc_rollback() Function
- Transactions and Using Commit and Rollback
- Save and Restore images
- MySQL Functions
- MySQL_Info() Function
- MySQL_Init() Function
- MySQL_Error() Function
- MySQL_Connect() Function
- MySQL_Close() Function
- MySQL_Query() Function
- Create Database
- Create Table and Insert Data
- MySQL_Insert_ID() Function
- MySQL_Result() Function
- MySQL_Next_Result() Function
- Print Query Result
- MySQL_Columns() Function
- MySQL_Result2() Function
- MySQL_Escape_String() Function
- Save Image inside the database
- Restore Image From The Database
- MySQL_AutoCommit() Function
- MySQL_Commit() Function
- MySQL_Rollback() Function
- Transaction Example
- Security and Internet Functions
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Declarative Programming using Nested Structures
- Natural language programming
- Functional Programming (FP)
- Reflection and Meta-programming
- locals() Function
- globals() Function
- functions() Function
- cfunctions() Function
- islocal() Function
- isglobal() Function
- isfunction() Function
- iscfunction() Function
- packages() Function
- ispackage() Function
- classes() Function
- isclass() Function
- packageclasses() Function
- ispackageclass() Function
- classname() Function
- objectid() Function
- isobject() Function
- attributes() Function
- methods() Function
- isattribute() Function
- isprivateattribute() Function
- ismethod() Function
- isprivatemethod() Function
- addattribute() Function
- addmethod() Function
- getattribute() function
- setattribute() function
- mergemethods() Function
- Extension using the C/C++ languages
- ring_ext.h
- ring_ext.c
- Module Organization
- Function Structure
- Check Parameters Count
- Display Error Message
- Check Parameters Type
- Get Parameters Values
- Return Value
- Function Prototype
- Sin() Function Implementation
- Fopen() and Fclose() Functions Implementation
- Ring API - List Functions
- Ring API - String Functions
- MySQL_Columns() Function Implementation
- Dynamic/Shared Libraries (DLL/So) and LoadLib() function
- Embedding Ring Interpreter in C/C++ Programs
- Command Line Options
- Web Development (CGI Library)
- Ring CGI Hello World Program
- Hello World Program using the Web Library
- Web Library Features
- HTTP Get Example
- HTTP POST Example
- Upload Files
- Cookies
- URL Encode
- Templates
- HTML Special Characters
- Hash Functions
- Random Image
- HTML Lists
- HTML Tables
- Gradient
- Generating Pages using Objects
- Using Bootstrap Library using Functions
- Using Bootstrap Library using Objects
- CRUD Example using MVC
- Users registration and Login
- Database, ModelBase & ControllerBase classes
- WebLib API
- Application Class
- Page Class
- ScriptFunctions Class
- StyleFunctions Class
- Code Generator for wrapping C/C++ Libraries
- Using the tool
- Configuration file
- Using the function prototype
- Adding code to the generated code
- Prefix for Functions Names
- Generate function to wrap structures
- Register New Functions
- Writing comments in the configuration file
- Executing code during code generation
- Configuration file for the Allegro Library
- Threads Support
- Code Generator Rules for Wrapping C++ Classes
- Using configuration file that wrap C++ Library
- Configuration file for the Qt Framework
- Graphics and 2D Games programming using RingAllegro
- Desktop and Mobile development using RingQt
- The First GUI Application
- Using Layout
- Using the QTextEdit Class
- Using the QListWidget Class
- Using QTreeView and QFileSystemModel
- Using QTreeWidget and QTreeWidgetItem
- Using QComboBox Class
- Creating Menubar
- Creating Toolbar
- Creating StatusBar
- Using QDockWidget
- Using QTabWidget
- Using QTableView
- Using QProgressBar
- Using QSpinBox
- Using QSlider
- Using QDateEdit
- Using QDial
- Using QWebView
- Using QCheckBox
- Using QRadioButton and QButtonGroup
- Adding Hyperlink to QLabel
- QVideoWidget and QMediaPlayer
- Using QFrame
- Display Image using QLabel
- Menubar and StyleSheet Example
- QLineEdit Events and QMessageBox
- Other Widgets Events
- Using the QTimer Class
- Using the QFileDialog Class
- Drawing using QPainter
- Printing using QPrinter
- Creating More than one Window
- Playing Sound
- Using the QColorDialog Class
- Using qLCDNumber Class
- Movable Label Example
- QMessagebox Example
- Using QInputDialog Class
- KeyPress and Mouse Move Events
- Moving Objects using the Mouse
- Inheritance from GUI Classes
- Using QDesktopWidget Class
- Simple Client and Server Example
- Notepad Application
- The Cards Game
- Resources