What is new in Ring 1.22

In this chapter we will learn about the changes and new features in Ring 1.22 release.

List of changes and new features

Ring 1.22 comes with the next features!

  • Research Article

  • PWCT 2.0 (Free Software)

  • More Projects

  • Better Samples

  • Better Functions

  • Better RingFastPro Extension

  • Return Attribute by Reference

  • Better Compiler

  • More Improvements

Research Article

URL: https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13234627

Research Article

PWCT 2.0 (Free Software)

Programming Without Coding Technology 2.0 is free software available on the Steam platform.

URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1953110/Programming_Without_Coding_Technology_20/


More Projects

  • EpochTime application (ring/applications folder)

  • DirSize - Directory Size Analyzer (GitHub project)

  • GitHub Action - Build Ring Project (GitHub project)

  • Ring Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 4 (GitHub project)

  • Ring Syntax Highlighting for Lite XL editor (ring/tools/editors folder)

Ring in Lite XL

Better Samples

The next samples are added:

  • samples/UsingJSONLib/test11.ring

  • samples/General/TriangleLib/TriangleLibrary.ring

  • samples/Drawing/HeartEquation/HeartEquation.ring

  • samples/Language/ChangeSyntax/swapkeywordandoperator.ring

  • samples/ProblemSolving/GetQuotesHistory/Curl-YahooHistory-JSON.ring

  • samples/UsingStbImage/test15.ring - Fast Animation

  • samples/UsingBingChat/examples/chat13.ring

  • samples/UsingFastPro/test2.ring

  • samples/UsingFastPro/test3.ring

  • samples/UsingFastPro/test4.ring

  • samples/UsingFastPro/test5.ring

  • samples/UsingFastPro/test6.ring

The following screenshot is from the Heart Equation sample:

Heart Equation

The next applications and samples are revised:

  • Sokoban - Code Format.

  • HoursCounter - User Interface.

  • GetQuotesHistory - Better implementation.

  • GoldMagic800 - Draw background based on level number.

  • Othello - Better colors and images.

  • samples/UsingStbImage/test12.ring

  • samples/UsingStbImage/test15.ring

  • tools/tryringonline/samples.ring

Better Functions

  • StdLib - Split() function - Better implementation.

  • StdLib - OSCopyFile() function - Better support for Linux.

  • StdLib - OSCopyFolder() function - Better support for Linux.

  • StdLib - Factorial() function - Better performance.

  • StdLib - Fibonacci() function - Better performance.

  • RingQt - QString Class - Added: size()/length() methods.

  • ringvm_calllist() function - Added the parameters count and the line number to the output.


The next Ring code defines a SumRows class that processes and sums rows of numbers given within curly braces. The braceExprEval() method evaluates each value, updating the sum for the current row and printing the sum when the row changes. The braceEnd() method prints the sum of the last row.

new SumRows {
        10 20 30                # 60
        10                      # 10
        400 100                 # 500
        30 40                   # 70

class SumRows

        nSum     = 0
        nLastRow = 0

        func braceExprEval  value

                aCallList = ringvm_calllist()
                nLine     = aCallList[len(aCallList)-1][7]

                if nLastRow  = 0      nLastRow = nLine            nSum = value return ok
                if nLastRow != nLine  nLastRow = nLine   ? nSum   nSum = value return ok

                nSum += value

        func braceEnd

                ? nSum

Better RingFastPro Extension

  • The build script is revised to use the ring/lib directory.

  • updateList()/updateColumn() functions - Support Serial/Pow/Rem options.


The next code begins by loading the RingFastPro extension and initializing a 5x5 list called aList. It then updates this list with values incremented by 5 in each column. After printing a row of 20 asterisks, the code iterates through the list, printing each element with hyphens between them, except for the last element in each row.

load "fastpro.ring"

aList = [


? copy("*",20)

for x=1 to 5
        for y=1 to 5
                if y != 5 print ("-") ok
        ? ""


The output displays a row of asterisks followed by the elements of the list arranged in a structured format.


The following screenshot is from the Fast Animation sample:

The sample uses RingFastPro extension to generate 1024x768 image (Over 60 FPS)

Fast Animation

Return Attribute by Reference

In early Ring releases, returning an attribute that contains a List/Object would return a shared reference to this List/Object. This release supports advanced cases for using this feature, allowing nested method calls before returning the List/Object.


For advanced usage of references with full customization, refer to the ‘Using References’ chapter, which explains the Ref()/Reference() function.


o = new myclass

o.getObject().x = 1000
o.getObject().y = 2000
o.getObject().z = 3000

? o.aList

class myclass

        aList = [ new point {x=10  y=20  z=30 },
                  new point {x=100 y=200 z=300}  ]

        func getObject
                return myMethod()

        func myMethod
                return aList[myIndex()]

        func myIndex
                return 2

class point x y z


x: 10
y: 20
z: 30
x: 1000
y: 2000
z: 3000

Better Compiler

  • Lists - Support trailing comma.

  • Support (+) operator before numbers.

  • Logical AND have higher precedence than Logical OR.


aList = ["one",

nNum1 = +10
nNum2 = -10

lRes  = True OR False AND False
lRes2 = True || False &&  False

? aList
? nNum1
? nNum2
? lRes
? lRes2



1               # True
1               # True

More Improvements

  • Better documentation - Chapter: Program Structure.

  • Form Designer - Copy object style when using the Duplicate button.

  • Form Designer - Avoid name duplication when using the Duplicate button.

  • Better vscode extension - Ring build system and snippets.

  • Better RingQt for Android/WebAssembly - RING_API_REGISTER usage is revised.

  • Output the RingPDFGen library to the ring/lib directory and install it accordingly.

  • File: buildgccstatic.sh - Make the Ring executable fully static.

  • File: marketing/presentation/Ring.pptx - Use https in the website URL.

  • File: language/CMakeLists.txt - Use /etc/os-release to get the Distro name.

  • Ring Compiler/VM source code - Revise exit() function usage.

  • Ring Compiler/VM source code - language/src/stmt.c - Revise comments.

  • Ring Compiler/VM source code - language/src/vm.c - Organize the instructions.

  • Ring Compiler/VM source code - List structure - Rename members (Use shorter names).

  • Ring Visual Source - Added: language/visualsrc/ring_hashlib.ssf