Security and Internet Functions

This chapter contains the security and internet functions provided by the Ring programming language for Hashing, Encryption & Decryption.

Before using the next functions load the openssllib.ring library

load "openssllib.ring"
# Use OpenSSL functions
  • MD5()

  • SHA1()

  • SHA256()

  • SHA512()

  • SHA384()

  • SHA224()

  • SupportedCiphers()

  • Encrypt()

  • Decrypt()

  • Randbytes()

  • rsa_generate

  • rsa_export_params

  • rsa_import_params

  • rsa_export_pem

  • rsa_import_pem

  • rsa_is_privatekey

  • rsa_encrypt_pkcs

  • rsa_decrypt_pkcs

  • rsa_encrypt_oaep

  • rsa_decrypt_oaep

  • rsa_encrypt_raw

  • rsa_decrypt_raw

  • rsa_sign_pkcs

  • rsa_signhash_pkcs

  • rsa_verify_pkcs

  • rsa_verifyhash_pkcs

  • rsa_sign_pss

  • rsa_signhash_pss

  • rsa_verify_pss

  • rsa_verifyhash_pss

  • openssl_versiontext

  • openssl_version

  • MD5Init(), MD5Update(), MD5Final()

  • SHA1Init(), SHA1Update(), SHA1Final()

  • SHA256Init(), SHA256Update(), SHA256Final()

  • SHA512Init(), SHA512Update(), SHA512Final()

  • SHA384Init(), SHA384Update(), SHA384Final()

  • SHA224Init(), SHA224Update(), SHA224Final()

Before using the next functions load the internetlib.ring library

load "internetlib.ring"
# Use the Internet functions
  • Download()

  • SendEmail()

MD5() Function

We can calculate the MD5 hash using the MD5() Function


MD5(cString) ---> String contains the MD5 hash of the string cString


see "md5('happy') = " + md5("happy") + nl +
    "md5('Hello') = " + md5("Hello") + nl


md5('happy') = 56ab24c15b72a457069c5ea42fcfc640
md5('Hello') = 8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7

SHA1() Function

We can calculate the SHA1 hash using the SHA1() Function


SHA1(cString) ---> String contains the SHA1 hash of the string cString


see "sha1('hello') : " + sha1("hello") + nl +
    "sha1('apple') : " + sha1("apple") + nl


sha1('hello') : aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d
sha1('apple') : d0be2dc421be4fcd0172e5afceea3970e2f3d940

SHA256() Function

We can calculate the SHA256 hash using the SHA256() Function


SHA256(cString) ---> String contains the SHA256 hash of the string cString


see "sha256('hello') : " + sha256("hello") + nl +
    "sha256('apple') : " + sha256("apple") + nl


sha256('hello') : 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824
sha256('apple') : 3a7bd3e2360a3d29eea436fcfb7e44c735d117c42d1c1835420b6b9942dd4f1b

SHA512() Function

We can calculate the SHA512 hash using the SHA512() Function


SHA512(cString) ---> String contains the SHA512 hash of the string cString


see "sha512('hello') : " + sha512("hello") + nl +
    "sha512('apple') : " + sha512("apple") + nl +
    "sha512('hello world') : " + sha512("hello world") + nl


sha512('hello') : 9b71d224bd62f3785d96d46ad3ea3d73319bfbc2890caadae2dff72519673c
sha512('apple') : 844d8779103b94c18f4aa4cc0c3b4474058580a991fba85d3ca698a0bc9e52
sha512('hello world') : 309ecc489c12d6eb4cc40f50c902f2b4d0ed77ee511a7c7a9bcd3ca8

SHA384() Function

We can calculate the SHA384 hash using the SHA384() Function


SHA384(cString) ---> String contains the SHA384 hash of the string cString


see "sha384('hello') : " + sha384("hello") + nl +
    "sha384('apple') : " + sha384("apple") + nl +
    "sha384('hello world') : " + sha384("hello world") + nl


sha384('hello') : 59e1748777448c69de6b800d7a33bbfb9ff1b463e44354c3553bcdb9c666fa
sha384('apple') : 3d8786fcb588c93348756c6429717dc6c374a14f7029362281a3b21dc10250
sha384('hello world') : fdbd8e75a67f29f701a4e040385e2e23986303ea10239211af907fcb

SHA224() Function

We can calculate the SHA224 hash using the SHA224() Function


SHA224(cString) ---> String contains the SHA224 hash of the string cString


see "sha224('hello') : " + sha224("hello") + nl +
    "sha224('apple') : " + sha224("apple") + nl +
    "sha224('hello world') : " + sha224("hello world") + nl


sha224('hello') : ea09ae9cc6768c50fcee903ed054556e5bfc8347907f12598aa24193
sha224('apple') : b7bbfdf1a1012999b3c466fdeb906a629caa5e3e022428d1eb702281
sha224('hello world') : 2f05477fc24bb4faefd86517156dafdecec45b8ad3cf2522a563582b

SupportedCiphers() Function

The function SupportedCiphers() retrieves the list of all algorithms supported by Encrypt()/Decrypt() functions.


SupportedCiphers() ---> List of names of cipher algorithms supported by Encrypt()/Decrypt() functions

Encrypt() Function

We can use the Encrypt() function to encrypt the data using the specified algorithm. If no algorithm is specified, Blowfish algorithm is used in CBC mode. Typical algorithm values: “bf”, “des”, “des3”, “aes128”, “aes192”, “aes256” which all use CBC mode. The function CipherAlgorithms() return the list of all supported cipher algorithms.


Encrypt(cString, cKey, cIV[, cCipherAlgorithmName]) ---> Encrypted string

Decrypt() Function

We can use the Decrypt() function to decrypt the data encrypted using the Encrypt() function. If no algorithm is specified, Blowfish algorithm is used in CBC mode. Typical algorithm values: “bf”, “des”, “des3”, “aes128”, “aes192”, “aes256” which all use CBC mode. The function CipherAlgorithms() return the list of all supported cipher algorithms.


Decrypt(cCipher, cKey, cIV[, cCipherAlgorithm]) ---> Decrypted string

Encryption and Decryption Example

The next example demonstrates how to use the Encrypt() and Decrypt() functions.

These functions use the AES-128 algorithm (AES with 128-bits key)

See "Enter a string : " give cStr
list = 0:15  cKey=""    for x in list cKey += char(x) next
list = 1:16  cIV = ""   for x in list cIV += char(x) next
cStr = Encrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128")
See "Cipher Text    : " + cStr + nl +
    "Plain Text     : " + Decrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128") + nl

We can write the same example using normal for loop

See "Enter a string : " give cStr

cKey=""                         # 16 bytes
for x = 0 to 15
        cKey += char(x)

cIV = ""
for x = 1 to 16
        cIV += char(x)

cStr = Encrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128")
See "Cipher Text    : " + cStr + nl +
    "Plain Text     : " + Decrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128") + nl

Also we can write the key and the IV directly using strings

See "Enter a string : " give cStr

# Note: Don't use simple key in real applications!
cKey = "1234567890@#$%^&"
cIV  = "FEDCBA0987654321"

cStr = Encrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128")
See "Cipher Text    : " + cStr + nl +
    "Plain Text     : " + Decrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128") + nl

Finally we can specify the key and the IV values using hexadecimal notation

See "Enter a string : " give cStr

# Note: Don't use simple key in real applications!
cKey = hex2str("A0A1A2A3A5A6A7A8AAABACADAFB0B1B2")
cIV  = hex2str("00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF")

cStr = Encrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128")
See "Cipher Text    : " + cStr + nl +
    "Plain Text     : " + Decrypt(cStr,cKey,cIV,"aes128") + nl

File Hash

The next example demonstrates how to calculate the hash functions for files

cStr = read("myapp.exe")
see "Size : " + len(cStr) + nl +
    "md5 : " + md5(cStr) + nl +
    "sha1 : " + sha1(cStr) + nl +
    "sha256 : " + sha256(cStr) + nl +
    "sha224 : " + sha224(cStr) + nl +
    "sha384 : " + sha384(cStr) + nl +
    "sha512 : " + sha512(cStr) + nl


Size : 58079876
md5 : 762eee15d8d2fd73b71ea52538b28667
sha1 : 9212c0c7258bad89a62bd239e1358a9276a9d070
sha256 : 7d6724e69b6c553da749ba31b6185dddc965129b64d9e9bf3de88f67df3b1cdc
sha224 : 5a9c8a7d662bce4f880ba94f90a79362b672528b9efd5abc718c7a3d
sha384 : 18e23f973abedbeb3981c423f12aeadecf96f9c6fb28aeabe3be4c484f8540afcc3861b
sha512 : da3d5e997d06f8b2a7a9964b77f7d82eedb76b245c611082c1639f83f51d83880bcd08f

Randbytes() Function

We can generate a string of cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes using the Randbytes() function.


Randbytes(nSize) ---> String contains random bytes (bytes count = nSize)


salt =  randbytes(32)
password = "SecretPassWord@$%123"
see salt + nl
see sha256("test" + salt) + nl

rsa_generate() Function

We can generate a random RSA key pair using the rsa_generate() function.


rsa_generate(nBits[,nPublicExponent]) ---> a random RSA key pair with nBits as size in bits
                If nPublicExponent is omited, then the standard public exponent value 65537 is used.


/* generate a new 2048-bit RSA key pair */
        rsaKey = rsa_generate(2048)
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)
        See "Modulus = " + rsaKeyParams[:n] + nl
        See "Failed to generate the RSA key pair: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_export_params() Function

We can export the parameters of an RSA key to a string-indexed list using the rsa_export_params() function. The list contains the following string indexes:

  • “type” for the key type as a string equal to “RSA” in our case

  • “bits” for the bot length of the key as an integer

  • “n” for the Modulus as a hexadecimal string

  • “e” for the Public Exponent as a hexadecimal string

  • “d” for the Private Exponent as a hexadecimal string

  • “p” for the first prime as a hexadecimal string

  • “q” for the second prime as a hexadecimal string

  • “dmp1” for the first CRT exponent as a hexadecimal string

  • “dmq1” for the second CRT exponent as a hexadecimal string

  • “iqmp” for the CRT coefficent as a hexadecimal string

If the key contains only the public part, then “d”, “p”, “q”, “dmp1”, “dmq1” and “iqmp” will be empty strings.


rsa_export_params(pRsaKey) ---> list of the key parameters


/* generate a new 2048-bit RSA key pair */
        rsaKey = rsa_generate(2048)
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)
        See "Key Type = " + rsaKeyParams[:type] + nl
        See "Key Size = " + rsaKeyParams[:bits] + " bits" + nl
        See "Modulus = " + rsaKeyParams[:n] + nl
        See "Public Exponent = " + rsaKeyParams[:e] + nl
        See "Private Exponent = " + rsaKeyParams[:d] + nl
        See "Prime 1 = " + rsaKeyParams[:p] + nl
        See "Prime 2 = " + rsaKeyParams[:q] + nl
        See "CRT Exponent 1 = " + rsaKeyParams[:dmp1] + nl
        See "CRT Exponent 2 = " + rsaKeyParams[:dmq1] + nl
        See "CRT Coefficient = " + rsaKeyParams[:iqmp] + nl
        See "Failed to generate the RSA key pair: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_import_params() Function

We can create a new RSA key from parameters stored in a string-indexed list using the rsa_import_params() function. The format of the input list is the one described in the function rsa_export_params

The indexes “n” and “e” must not be empty, otherwise an exception is thrown. If we need to import only an RSA public key, then the indexes “d”, “p”, “q”, “dmp1”, “dmq1” and “iqmp” must be empty.


rsa_import_params(pParamsList) ---> a new RSA key


/* create an RSA public key from a generated RSA key pair */
        rsaKey = rsa_generate(2048)
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)

        /* create parameters of public key: modulus and public exponent */
        rsaPublicKeyParam = [:n = rsaKeyParams[:n], :e = rsaKeyParams[:e]]
        /* create the public key using rsa_import_params */
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_params(rsaPublicKeyParam)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_export_pem() Function

We can export an RSA key to a string in PEM format using the rsa_export_pem() function. If the RSA key contains both public and private parts, then returned string will start with “—–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—–” If the RSA key contains only the public part, then returned string will start with “—–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—–”


rsa_export_pem(pRsaKey) ---> string encoding of the key in PEM format


/* generate an RSA key and save it to a file in PEM format */
        rsaKey = rsa_generate(2048)
        rsaKeyPEM = rsa_export_pem(rsaKey)
        /* save private key to a file */
        write ("privateKey.pem", rsaKeyPEM)

        /* save public key to a file */
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)
        rsaPublicKeyParam = [:n = rsaKeyParams[:n], :e = rsaKeyParams[:e]]
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_params(rsaPublicKeyParam)
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = rsa_export_pem(rsaPublicKey)
        write ("publicKey.pem", rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_import_pem() Function

We can create an RSA key from PEM encoded string using the rsa_import_pem() function. If the PEM string starts with “—–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—–”, then a full RSA key pair will be created. if the PEM string starts with “—–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—–”, then an RSA public key will be created.


rsa_import_pem(cStrPEM) ---> a new RSA key


/* create an RSA key from a PEM file */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("privateKey.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("publicKey.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)
        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_is_privatekey() Function

We can check whether an RSA key is a private key or public key using the rsa_is_privatekey() function.


rsa_is_privatekey(pRsaKey) ---> returns 1 if pRsaKey is an RSA private key and 0 if it is an RSA public key


/* create an RSA key from a PEM file and check if it is a private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        if rsa_is_privatekey(rsaKey)
                See "an RSA private key was loaded" + nl
                See "an RSA public key was loaded" + nl
        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_encrypt_pkcs() Function

We can encrypt data with an RSA key and PKCS#1 v1.5 padding using the rsa_encrypt_pkcs() function. The maximum size of data that can be encrypted by rsa_encrypt_pkcs is (modulusLen - 11), with modulusLen the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the maximum size of data that can be encrypted is 256 - 11 = 245 bytes. RSA encryption is usually applied to a symmetric key (e.g. AES) which is used to encrypt much larger data. RSA encryption needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_encrypt_pkcs can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key


rsa_encrypt_pkcs(pRsaKey,cPlainData) ---> return a string containing the encryption of cPlainData


/* encrypt a file using AES key and then encrypt the AES key using an RSA public key */
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* encrypt file with random AES-128 key */
        cData = Read ("secret_document.txt")
        cKey = RandBytes(16)
        cIV = RandBytes(16)
        cEncryptedData = Encrypt(cData,cKey,cIV,"aes128")

        /* encrypt the AES-128 key with the RSA public key */
        cEncryptedKey = rsa_encrypt_pkcs(rsaPublicKey,cKey)

        /* store IV, encrypted AES key and encrypted data in a file to be sent to Alice*/
        Write("encrypted_document.enc", cIV + cEncryptedKey + cEncryptedData)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_decrypt_pkcs() Function

We can decrypt data encrypted with an RSA key and PKCS#1 v1.5 padding using the rsa_decrypt_pkcs() function. The size of data that can be decrypted by rsa_decrypt_pkcs must be equal to modulusLen which is the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of encrypted data that can be decrypted must be 256 bytes. For RSA decryption, the RSA key must contain the private key part.


rsa_decrypt_pkcs(pRsaKey,cEncryptedData) ---> return a string containing the decryption of cEncryptedData


/* decrypt a file by first decrypting AES key that was used to encrypt it
 * and then decrypt the whole content using the AES key
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* calculate the modulus length */
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)
        modulusLen = rsaKeyParams[:bits]/ 8

        /* read encrypted file */
        cEncryptedContent = Read ("encrypted_document.enc")

        /* IV is the first 16 bytes if the file */
        cIV = substr(cEncryptedContent, 1, 16)

        /* encrypted key follows IV and its length is modulusLen */
        cEncryptedKey = substr(cEncryptedContent, 17, modulusLen)

        /* encrypted data follows the key */
        cEncryptedData = substr(cEncryptedContent, 17 + modulusLen)

        /* decrypt the AES-128 key */
        cKey = rsa_decrypt_pkcs(rsaKey,cEncryptedKey)

        /* decrypt the data using the AES-128 key */

        cPlainData = Decrypt(cEncryptedData,cKey,cIV,"aes128")

        /* store the decrypted data to a file */
        Write("decrypted_document.txt", cPlainData)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_encrypt_oaep() Function

We can encrypt data with an RSA key and OAEP padding using the rsa_encrypt_oaep() function. The maximum size of data that can be encrypted by rsa_encrypt_oaep is (modulusLen - 2*hashLen -2), with modulusLen the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes and hashLen and the length of hash algorithm used. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the maximum size of data that can be encrypted using OAEP padding with SHA-1 is 256 - 2*20 - 2 = 214 bytes. RSA encryption is usually applied to a symmetric key (e.g. AES) which is used to encrypt much larger data. RSA encryption needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_encrypt_oaep can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key.


rsa_encrypt_oaep(pRsaKey,cPlainData[,nHashAlgorithm]) ---> return a string containing the OAEP encryption of cPlainData
        nHashAlgorithm indicates the hash algorithm to use for OAEP padding. If omited, SHA-1 is used by default.
        Possible values for nHashAlgorithm argument are:
         - $OSSL_HASH_MD5 which is equal to 0
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA1 which is equal to 1
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA256 which is equal to 2
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA384 which is equal to 3
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA512 which is equal to 4


/* encrypt a file using AES key and then encrypt the AES key using an RSA public key using OAEP padding */
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* encrypt file with random AES-128 key */
        cData = Read ("secret_document.txt")
        cKey = RandBytes(16)
        cIV = RandBytes(16)
        cEncryptedData = Encrypt(cData,cKey,cIV,"aes128")

        /* encrypt the AES-128 key with the RSA public key */
        cEncryptedKey = rsa_encrypt_oaep(rsaPublicKey,cKey)

        /* store IV, encrypted AES key and encrypted data in a file to be sent to Alice*/
        Write("oaep_encrypted_document.enc", cIV + cEncryptedKey + cEncryptedData)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_decrypt_oaep() Function

We can decrypt data encrypted with an RSA key and OAEP padding using the rsa_decrypt_oaep() function. The size of data that can be decrypted by rsa_decrypt_oaep must be equal to modulusLen which is the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of encrypted data that can be decrypted must be 256 bytes. For RSA decryption, the RSA key must contain the private key part. The hash algorithm specified in rsa_decrypt_oaep() call must be the same as the one used during OAEP encryption.


rsa_decrypt_oaep(pRsaKey,cEncryptedData[,nHashAlgorithm]) ---> return a string containing the decryption of cEncryptedData
        nHashAlgorithm indicates the hash algorithm to use for OAEP padding. If omited, SHA-1 is used by default.
        Possible values for nHashAlgorithm argument are:
         - $OSSL_HASH_MD5 which is equal to 0
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA1 which is equal to 1
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA256 which is equal to 2
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA384 which is equal to 3
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA512 which is equal to 4


/* decrypt a file by first decrypting AES key that was used to encrypt it
 * and then decrypt the whole content using the AES key
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* calculate the modulus length */
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)
        modulusLen = rsaKeyParams[:bits]/ 8

        /* read encrypted file */
        cEncryptedContent = Read ("oaep_encrypted_document.enc")

        /* IV is the first 16 bytes if the file */
        cIV = substr(cEncryptedContent, 1, 16)

        /* encrypted key follows IV and its length is modulusLen */
        cEncryptedKey = substr(cEncryptedContent, 17, modulusLen)

        /* encrypted data follows the key */
        cEncryptedData = substr(cEncryptedContent, 17 + modulusLen)

        /* decrypt the AES-128 key */
        cKey = rsa_decrypt_oaep(rsaKey,cEncryptedKey)

        /* decrypt the data using the AES-128 key */

        cPlainData = Decrypt(cEncryptedData,cKey,cIV,"aes128")

        /* store the decrypted data to a file */
        Write("oaep_decrypted_document.txt", cPlainData)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_encrypt_raw() Function

We can perform raw RSA encryption on data using the function rsa_encrypt_raw() The size of data must be equal to the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of input data that can be encrypted using raw RSA is 256 bytes. Raw RSA encryption needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_encrypt_raw can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key. Raw RSA should only be used to implement secure cryptographic protocols. Encrypting user data directly with raw RSA is insecure.


rsa_encrypt_raw(pRsaKey,cPlainData) ---> return a string containing the raw RSA encryption of cPlainData


/* encrypt a file using AES key and then encrypt the AES key using an RSA public key using PKCS1 padding */
/* we manually add PKCS1 padding and then perform raw RSA encryption */
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* encrypt file with random AES-128 key */
        cData = Read ("secret_document.txt")
        cKey = RandBytes(16)
        cIV = RandBytes(16)
        cEncryptedData = Encrypt(cData,cKey,cIV,"aes128")

        /* encrypt the AES-128 key with the RSA public key */

        /* calculate the modulus length */
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaPublicKey)
        modulusLen = rsaKeyParams[:bits]/ 8

        /* we manually add PKCS1 padding */
        paddingSize = modulusLen - Len(cKey) - 2 - 1
        paddingStr = space (paddingSize)

        /* encryption case. Add random bytes */
        for i=1 to paddingSize
                paddingStr[i] = Char (1 + Random(254))

        paddedData = Char(0) + Char(2) + paddingStr + Char (0) + cKey

        cEncryptedKey = rsa_encrypt_raw(rsaPublicKey,paddedData)

        /* store IV, encrypted AES key and encrypted data in a file to be sent to Alice*/
        Write("raw_encrypted_document.enc", cIV + cEncryptedKey + cEncryptedData)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_decrypt_raw() Function

We can perform raw RSA decryption of data using the rsa_decrypt_pkcs() function. The size of data that can be decrypted by rsa_decrypt_raw must be equal to modulusLen which is the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of encrypted data that can be decrypted must be 256 bytes. For raw RSA decryption, the RSA key must contain the private key part. The size of the result of raw RSA decryption is equal to the length of RSA modulus in bytes.


rsa_decrypt_raw(pRsaKey,cEncryptedData) ---> return a string containing the decryption of cEncryptedData


/* decrypt a file by first decrypting AES key that was used to encrypt it
 * and then decrypt the whole content using the AES key
 /* We decrypt AES using rsa_decrypt_raw and then remove padding manually
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* calculate the modulus length */
        rsaKeyParams = rsa_export_params(rsaKey)
        modulusLen = rsaKeyParams[:bits]/ 8

        /* read encrypted file */
        cEncryptedContent = Read ("encrypted_document.enc")

        /* IV is the first 16 bytes if the file */
        cIV = substr(cEncryptedContent, 1, 16)

        /* encrypted key follows IV and its length is modulusLen */
        cEncryptedKey = substr(cEncryptedContent, 17, modulusLen)

        /* encrypted data follows the key */
        cEncryptedData = substr(cEncryptedContent, 17 + modulusLen)

        /* decrypt the AES-128 key */
        cPaddedKey = rsa_decrypt_raw(rsaKey,cEncryptedKey)

        /* remove PKCS1 padding */
        paddedInputLength = len(cPaddedKey)
        cKey = ""
        if paddedInputLength > 11 AND Ascii(cPaddedKey[1]) = 0 AND Ascii(cPaddedKey[2]) = 2
                zeroFound = false
                for j = 3 to paddedInputLength
                        if Ascii(cPaddedKey[j]) = 0
                                i = j
                                zeroFound = true

                if zeroFound
                        if i = paddedInputLength
                                /* unpadded data is empty */
                                Raise("Empty data recovered from padding")
                                cKey = substr(cPaddedKey,i+1)
                        Raise ("Invalid data padding")
                Raise("the decrypted data is invalid")

        /* decrypt the data using the AES-128 key */

        cPlainData = Decrypt(cEncryptedData,cKey,cIV,"aes128")

        /* store the decrypted data to a file */
        Write("decrypted_document.txt", cPlainData)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_sign_pkcs() Function

We can sign data with RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 padding using the function rsa_sign_pkcs() The maximum size of data that can be signed by rsa_sign_pkcs is (modulusLen - 11), with modulusLen the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the maximum size of data that can be signed is 256 - 11 = 245 bytes. For RSA PKCS signature, the RSA key must contain the private key part. The size of the result of RSA PKCS signature is equal to the length of RSA modulus in bytes.


rsa_sign_pkcs(pRsaKey,cData) ---> return a string containing RSA PKCS signature


/* sign a document using  RSA-PKCS with SHA256.
 * digest OID added manually
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* read file content */
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")

        /* hash content */
        digest = SHA256(cFileContent)

        /* digest OID of SHA256 */
        digestOID = hex2str("3031300d060960864801650304020105000420")

        /* perform PKCS signing */
        dataToSign = digestOID + digest
        cSignature = rsa_sign_pkcs(rsaKey,dataToSign)

        /* store the signature */
        Write("document.txt.pkcs1.sig", cSignature)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_signhash_pkcs() Function

We can sign a hash value with RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 padding using the function rsa_signhash_pkcs() This function infers the hash algorithm from hash value size and it automatically adds OID of hash algorithm before applying the PKCS#1 v1.5 padding. For RSA PKCS signature, the RSA key must contain the private key part. The size of the result of RSA PKCS signature is equal to the length of RSA modulus in bytes.


rsa_signhash_pkcs(pRsaKey,cHashValue) ---> return a string containing RSA PKCS signature


/* sign a document using  RSA-PKCS with SHA256.
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* read file content */
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")

        /* hash content */
        digest = SHA256(cFileContent)

        /* perform PKCS signing */
        cSignature = rsa_signhash_pkcs(rsaKey,digest)

        /* store the signature */
        Write("document.txt.pkcs1.sig", cSignature)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_verify_pkcs() Function

We can verify an RSA-PKCS signature of data using the function rsa_verify_pkcs() The size of signature must be equal to the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of input signature that can be verified using RSA-PKCS is 256 bytes. RSA-PKCS verification needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_verify_pkcs can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key.


rsa_verify_pkcs(pRsaKey,cData,cSignature) ---> returns 1 if signature is valid and 0 otherwise


/* verify a document signature using RSA-PKCS with SHA256
 * digest OID is added manually
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* read file content */
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")

        /* hash content */
        digest = SHA256(cFileContent)

        /* digest OID of SHA256 */
        digestOID = hex2str("3031300d060960864801650304020105000420")

        /* read file signature */
        cSignature = Read ("document.txt.pkcs1.sig")

        /* perform PKCS verification */
        dataToVerify = digestOID + digest
        if rsa_verify_pkcs(rsaPublicKey,dataToVerify,cSignature)
                See "file signature is valid" + nl
                See "file signature is INVALID" + nl

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_verifyhash_pkcs() Function

We can verify the RSA-PKCS signature of a hash value using the function rsa_verifyhash_pkcs() This function infers the hash algorithm from hash value size and it automatically uses the OID of hash algorithm during verification. The size of signature must be equal to the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of input signature that can be verified using RSA-PKCS is 256 bytes. RSA-PKCS verification needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_verifyhash_pkcs can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key.


rsa_verifyhash_pkcs(pRsaKey,cHashValue,cSignature) ---> returns 1 if signature is valid and 0 otherwise


/* verify a document signature using RSA-PKCS with SHA256
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* read file content */
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")

        /* hash content */
        digest = SHA256(cFileContent)

        /* read file signature */
        cSignature = Read ("document.txt.pkcs1.sig")

        /* perform PKCS verification */
        if rsa_verifyhash_pkcs(rsaPublicKey,digest,cSignature)
                See "file signature is valid" + nl
                See "file signature is INVALID" + nl

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_sign_pss() Function

We can sign data with RSA PSS using the function rsa_sign_pss() The input data will be first hashed using the specified hash algorithm then RSA PSS signing will be applied to the computed hash value. For RSA PSS signature, the RSA key must contain the private key part. The size of the result of RSA PSS signature is equal to the length of RSA modulus in bytes.


rsa_sign_pss(pRsaKey,cData,nHashAlgorithm[,nSaltLength]) ---> return a string containing RSA PSS signature
        nHashAlgorithm indicates the hash algorithm to use for hashing and PSS padding.
        nSaltLength indicates the length of PSS salt to use. If ommited, then maximum salt length is used.
        nSaltLength can have the special values -1 and -2: -1 indicates that salt length is equal to hash size
        and -2 indicates that maximum salt length is used.
        Possible values for nHashAlgorithm argument are:
         - $OSSL_HASH_MD5 which is equal to 0
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA1 which is equal to 1
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA256 which is equal to 2
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA384 which is equal to 3
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA512 which is equal to 4


/* sign a document using  RSA-PSS with SHA256 and maximal salt length
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* read file content */
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")

        /* perform PSS signing */
        cSignature = rsa_sign_pss(rsaKey,cFileContent,$OSSL_HASH_SHA256)

        /* store the signature */
        Write("document.txt.sig", cSignature)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_signhash_pss() Function

We can sign a hash value with RSA PSS using the function rsa_signhash_pss() This function infers the hash algorithm from hash value size. For RSA PSS signature, the RSA key must contain the private key part. The size of the result of RSA PSS signature is equal to the length of RSA modulus in bytes.


rsa_signhash_pss(pRsaKey,cHashValue[,nSaltLength]) ---> return a string containing RSA PSS signature
        nSaltLength indicates the length of PSS salt to use. If ommited, then maximum salt length is used.
        nSaltLength can have the special values -1 and -2: -1 indicates that salt length is equal to hash size
        and -2 indicates that maximum salt length is used.


/* sign a document using  RSA-PSS with SHA256 and maximal salt length
        /* read Alice private key */
        rsaKeyPEM = Read("alice_private_key.pem")
        rsaKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaKeyPEM)

        /* hash file content */
        ctx = SHA256Init()
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")
        SHA256Update(ctx, cFileContent)
        digest = SHA256Final(ctx)

        /* perform PSS signing */
        cSignature = rsa_signhash_pss(rsaKey,digest)

        /* store the signature */
        Write("document.txt.sig", cSignature)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_verify_pss() Function

We can verify the RSA-PSS signature of data using the function rsa_verify_pss() The input data will be first hashed using the specified hash algorithm then RSA PSS verification will be applied to the computed hash value and the given signature to check if they match or not. The size of signature must be equal to the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of input signature that can be verified using RSA-PSS is 256 bytes. RSA-PSS verification needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_verify_pss can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key.


rsa_verify_pss(pRsaKey,cData,cSignature,nHashAlgorithm[,nSaltLength]) ---> returns 1 if signature is valid and 0 otherwise
        nHashAlgorithm indicates the hash algorithm to use for hashing and PSS padding.
        nSaltLength indicates the length of PSS salt to use. If ommited, then maximum salt length is used.
        nSaltLength can have the special values -1 and -2: -1 indicates that salt length is equal to hash size
        and -2 indicates that maximum salt length is used.
        Possible values for nHashAlgorithm argument are:
         - $OSSL_HASH_MD5 which is equal to 0
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA1 which is equal to 1
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA256 which is equal to 2
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA384 which is equal to 3
         - $OSSL_HASH_SHA512 which is equal to 4


/* verify a document signature using RSA-PSS with SHA256 and maximal salt length
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* read file content */
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")

        /* read file signature */
        cSignature = Read ("document.txt.sig")

        /* perform PSS verification */
        if rsa_verify_pss(rsaPublicKey,cFileContent,cSignature,$OSSL_HASH_SHA256)
                See "file signature is valid" + nl
                See "file signature is INVALID" + nl

        /* store the signature */
        Write("document.txt.sig", cSignature)

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

rsa_verifyhash_pss() Function

We can verify the RSA-PSS signature of a hash value using the function rsa_verifyhash_pss() This function infers the hash algorithm from hash value size. The size of signature must be equal to the length of the RSA key modulus in bytes. For example, for 2048-bit RSA key, the length of modulus is 2048/8 = 256 bytes and so the size of input signature that can be verified using RSA-PSS is 256 bytes. RSA-PSS verification needs only the public part of an RSA key, so rsa_verifyhash_pss can be used with both RSA private key and RSA public key.


rsa_verifyhash_pss(pRsaKey,cHashValue,cSignature[,nSaltLength]) ---> returns 1 if signature is valid and 0 otherwise
        nSaltLength indicates the length of PSS salt to use. If ommited, then maximum salt length is used.
        nSaltLength can have the special values -1 and -2: -1 indicates that salt length is equal to hash size
        and -2 indicates that maximum salt length is used.


/* verify a document signature using RSA-PSS with SHA256 and maximal salt length
        /* read Alice public key */
        rsaPublicKeyPEM = Read("alice_public_key.pem")
        rsaPublicKey = rsa_import_pem(rsaPublicKeyPEM)

        /* hash file content */
        ctx = SHA256Init()
        cFileContent = Read ("document.txt")
        SHA256Update(ctx, cFileContent)
        digest = SHA256Final(ctx)

        /* read file signature */
        cSignature = Read ("document.txt.sig")

        /* perform PSS verification */
        if rsa_verifyhash_pss(rsaPublicKey,digest,cSignature)
                See "file signature is valid" + nl
                See "file signature is INVALID" + nl

        See "Unexpected error occured: " + cCatchError + nl

openssl_versiontext() Function

We can get the full version text of the OpenSSL library using the function openssl_versiontext(). The returned string is equal to the value returned by the command “openssl.exe version”


openssl_versiontext() ---> return a string containing the full version text of OpenSSL library


/* Display the version of OpenSSL library used by Ring
See "Ring is using " + openssl_versionText() + nl

openssl_version() Function

We can get the version numbers (Major,Minor,Fix) of the OpenSSL library using the function openssl_version(). The returned list contains three items corresponding to the the three part of the version. For example, for OpenSSL 1.0.2, openssl_version() returns the list [1,0,2]


openssl_version() ---> return a list containing the version numbers of the OpenSSL library
        First list item holds the version major number
        Second list item holds the version minor number
        Third list item holds the version fix number


/* Display the version number of OpenSSL library used by Ring
ver = openssl_version()
OpenSSLVersionMajor = ver[1]
OpenSSLVersionMinor = ver[2]
OpenSSLVersionFix = ver[3]
See "Ring is using OpenSSL version " + OpenSSLVersionMajor + "." + OpenSSLVersionMinor + "." + OpenSSLVersionFix + nl

Large Files Hash

These functions compute the hash of large files/data without the need to load all of the content in a single string.

md5init() -> MD5_CTX
md5update (MD5_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
md5final (MD5_CTX) -> string

sha1init() -> SHA_CTX
sha1update (SHA_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha1final (SHA_CTX) -> string

sha224init() -> SHA224_CTX
sha224update (SHA224_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha224final (SHA224_CTX) -> string

sha256init() -> SHA256_CTX
sha256update (SHA256_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha256final (SHA256_CTX) -> string

sha384init() -> SHA384_CTX
sha384update (SHA384_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha384final (SHA384_CTX) -> string

sha512init() -> SHA512_CTX
sha512update (SHA512_CTX, string) -> 1 for success or 0 for failure
sha512final (SHA512_CTX) -> string

Download() Function


Download(cURL) ---> String contains the server response


cStr= download("")
see cStr

SendEmail() Function




See "Send email..." + nl
        "Sending email from Ring",
         How are you?
         Are you fine?
         Thank you!
see "Done.." + nl